Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday Sketches and Getting into the Holiday Spirit....I love this time of year!!!!

Hi Everyone!!!!

What a wonderful week it has been and what a super fun filled weekend....We finished all of our lights outside and enjoyed light up night this past Thursday....and Saturday night we listened to Christmas music, ate treats and started decorating in our home....
I am all about adding my favorite new colour to the scene this year...this lime celadon green just makes me so happy.....and I always love white and this year I had so much fun with my additional green decorations.....

I even had my special Holiday oil burning that smells like candy was warm cozy and this week for my Sunday Sketches I have Christmas trees as inspired by our decorating and fun!

I hope you pop by Sophia's blog for Sunday Sketches and see what all of our friends have been up to ....

Happy Sunday and Happy Creating!!!!



Tammie Lee said...

your home looks wonderful. i think you might have just inspired me to have a tree! lovely tree art too.

Unknown said...

Thank you Tammie!!!! I hope you have a just makes me smile to light up our tree and stare and enjoy it and all of the memories it brings back to me!!!!

joanna said...

Diana, your house looks so festive and beautiful!! I also love your cookie cutters!

Unknown said...

Thanks Joanna! I really love this time of year....

Christine said...

Diana, you can't be finished decorating already! I feel like I'm behind now! Your home looks lovely though, thanks for the tour and love you Xmas tree sketches! I'm trying to get started on my Xmas cards actually.

Unknown said...

Hi Diana, wow your home looks gorgeous.. you are so ready for Christmas... love the decorations... I put my tree up the week before Christmas Day and New Years Day it gets packed away... Love the three Christmas tree sketch... :)

Unknown said...

Love your drawings!!!
I'm not religious even though I'm of Catholic origins (my mother is a teologist), so I don't decorate for Christmas and don't celebrate christian holidays. I usually celebrate Natural times of the year. On Decembre 21st I'll light a candle to celebrate the Winter Solstice, the rebirth of life. :)
You house looks great!!!

soulbrush said...

what a a joyous sight.

Art by Darla Kay said...

I haven't even started!! Your tree is beyond beautiful! Wow! The holiday home looks amazing, great job!

WrightStuff said...

Your house looks lovely! Is that an original Da Vinci on the wall? I often wondered if the one in the Louvre was a fake!

Art From The heart said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog,you have a new follower.
Love the pic's of your home,beautiful. Blessed you are.

Victoria said...

Hi Diana...beautiful and dazzling as always! and love your decor and festive deocorations..absolutely stunning and inspiring! So neat we are both from Ontario too.
Wishing you a magical day!Thankyou for your lovely visit.

Jehanne's doodles said...

Wow Diana, your house looks fantastic!!! Come and do mine ..please :)

martinealison said...

Ma chère Diana que ta maison est bien décorée... Ton petit bout doit drôlement être content et l'ambiance doit être si agréable pour vous tous... Bravo aussi pour tes derniers dessins. Ils remportent toujours autant de succès sur moi!
Je te souhaite plein de bonnes choses pour cet fin de weekend.
Gros bisous.

Jaime Haney said...

What a cute sketch, although your sketches are more like finished pieces of art! hee hee ;)

Your home is just gorgeous Diane! Looks like a magazine spread. You are talented in many many ways!! :)

xx Jaime

Kristin Aquariann said...

Cute tree illustrations! And wow, what a beautifully decorated home you have!!

ANNE said...

What a pretty tree. I love all your decorations.


Michaele Razi said...

Gorgeous! That tree is just wonderful--along with everything else!

Nicola said...

Hi Diana, What a beautiful Christmas home! :0) Very inspiring indeed! And I just looked at your Christmas photos with Cole and can I just say 'Woah' he's growing up so fast!!! :0) Loved the pics with him and Santa and Mrs Claus so sweet!!! :0)

Molly said...

you are so on top of things... i need to get going with my holiday decorations. your color schemes are lovely and the sketched trees are adorable!

Joni Nickrent said...

You've gotten a great jump on the holiday...looks AWESOME! Love the trees too!

Unknown said...

Love your drawings of trees and your Christmas decorations, so festive. xx

Heather said...

the sketch of the trees turned out great!!!
I love all of your splashes of green in your home!!
looks beautiful!
i am right behind you, we got our tree and we are ready to decorate!!

Joanne Osband said...

Lovely photos!!! Your spirit is spreading, thanks.

I like the design of your tree sketch.

GalleryJuana said...

You've definitely fitted the rooms with holiday cheer!
Love the xmas tree drawings.

I put the wrong link for my sunday sketch.
Here's the correct link:

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