Friday, May 27, 2011

Paint Party Friday and Illustration Friday - Who doesn't love a sock monkey......I do!!!

sock monkey watercolour

I am working on some fun Watercolour Commissions this week...but took a little break to create for PPF this week...and my Client for this fun piece was my little son Cole...I asked him what he would like Mommy to paint when he went to bed and he was so sweet....he handed me his Sock Monkey Friend....Sparky ( whom he always has with him) and said Mommy take him and paint me a picture of I did this and will show Cole over Breakfast before school today....I hope he loves this painting and I hope you all love it see more amazing paintings pop by Paint Party Friday.....

Here is Cole with a fun mask I Sock Monkey Spirit....

masks October13 009

and I just created this illustration this morning ....another piece inspired by Cole and his Sock Monkey Sparky for Illustration Friday this week....the theme is "Asleep" and I love watching him sleep all safe and sound....

sleeping with my sock monkey

Happy Friday Everyone!!!


Tammie Lee said...

ah, you are such a good mom, fun one too. Both pieces are adorable. I can only imagine that Cole will have a smile on his face when he sees what you made.

Unknown said...

Thanks Tammie!!!!!!!!!!! I always love making Cole smile!

Cameron said...

How sweet! It serves as a reminder to stop being too busy to share what I love doing with my girl....thank you!

This really was a sweet post :)

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

MOnkey looks awesome! I love the lollypop. :) You're lucky to have this little man to give you creative ideas to paint. :)

Anonymous said...

that is so sweet! i'm sure Cole will love his sock monkey portrait. he has the most beautiful dark eyes btw!

Sunshineshelle said...

I only found out what sock monkeys were through Etsy & of course fell in love with them!! Yours included, well done :)

Abela said...

A mask with a lot of art ... I'm going to start the day with a smile because of you. Saludos

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

I love the sweet sock monkey and I am sure that Cole will be very happy with the cute painting.
I knitted a monkey when I was young and will have to show him on my blog one day.

Happy weekend

carlarey said...

This is so adorable. Makes me think I should attempt a portrait of my son's nappy teddy bear.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Diana, these are sooo cute! I would have loved a sock monkey mask when I was a kid! (heck, I'd wear one now....what can I say???)
Darling! Great work!


Unknown said...

Thank you everyone!!! I always love hearing from made my day with your sweet comments!!!!

Have a wonderful Friday!!!

EVA said...

Super painting Diana!

I bet he will love it - what a great idea that was! Your bottom piece is lovely too and your son looks adorable in that mask.

Other sock monkey fans will be envious of his new painting!

GlorV1 said...

Diana, these are so darling. I love the sock monkey and the monkey sleeping in bed, how sweet. Great work, love it! Happy PPF!

Anonymous said...

Diane, so cute! Lovely cute eyes peeping through the monkey face, awww!

Diane said...

Sooo cute, Diana! Cole will be thrilled! xoxo Diane

BahamaDawn said...

awesome illustrations!!! the sock monkey is just full of fun and cuteness!

Heather said...

adorable! so cute snuggling with sock monkey...I LOVE the mask idea, too - love all your creativity! have a great day

Theresa said...

I love your illustrations and sock monkey! I love the mask idea, always great fun!! Happy PPF!! Theresa

Juan Carlos Partidas said...

Lovely sleeping monkey! :)

A'n'G Johnson said...

I think its fabulous that Sock Monkeys never lost their amazingness! What a fun theme to work with.
Happy Painting!

Anonymous said...

I love this,, happy PPF,,

Michaele Razi said...

So awesome! Your monkey is just adorbs! Also, I'm sorry I haven't participated in Sweet Saturdays for awhile. Life has been a bit crazy. But I will once things settle down! xoxo M

Netty said...

Such wonderful gifts to give your sweet son. They are all terrific Diana. Happy PPF, Annette x

Christine said...

cute sock monkey theme this week, adorable!

Heather Foust said...

Ahhh this is so sweet! I love sock monkeys too just like Cole!!! Very cute!

Terri Kahrs said...

There's nothing more satisfying to a Mom than seeing happiness spread across her child's face. I'm sure that Cole was absolutely delighted with your rendition of his beloved Sparky, Diana! You've certainly brought a smile into my day!!! Hope you have a joyful and relaxing weekend! Hugs, Terri xoxoxo

Julie Prichard said...

Your sock monkey is great!! Super cute mask too!

Kristin Dudish said...

awww... I absolutely adore this sock monkey inspired post! Lucky Cole to have such a talented and fun Mommy!


Unknown said...

How sweet of Coal to allow you the monkey (this is a biggy as mum's know) Moley went every where with my little boy and he even went with him when he moved out recently ;0)

SaraLynnArt said...

I love sock monkeys, and you've created such cute, fun images with them! Lovely!

Anne Butera said...

Awww! So sweet! I'm sure Cole will love your Sock Monkey portrait!

KateHolloman said...

awww and lol - funny and totally cute :)

Sinderella's Studio said...

ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE SOCK grandkids all of one in some version. I would also love to see a step by step on how you do your work. The backgrounds are so beautiful - do you only use watercolors or do you use ink too?
Cole is so cute!!!
cheers, dana

Marlene said...

How adorable is cole with his mask on. I love your painting and I am sure he will as well. It is so nice to see that there are still children who love their sock monkey, I know I loved mine and that was over 50 years ago.

Ana M.F. said...

lovely, the photo with the monkey mask is really cute.

Crystal said...

OOOh sooo adorable. Yes everyone just loves sock monkeys, me included. My daughter even has a sock monkey footie pajama, and she is an adult! :-)

Pam Tucker said...

I LOVE your sock monkey painting! I'm sure Cole did too. I've never outgrown my love for them. My husband recently brought me one home from one of his business trips. ;)

WrightStuff said...

How lovely to see Sock Monkey in your special style.

Beautiful illustration - I love watching my son sleep too - can never resist a little kiss on the cheek!

Unknown said...

What a sweet sock monkey painting! I am sure he just loved it!

Indigene said...

Diana, these are so adorable! He and your drawings are adorable! :)

Priti Lisa said...

You do write/illustrate children's books, don't you???

Rabbit Town Art said...

Great textures and look. I like sock monkeys!

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