Friday, May 20, 2011

Paint Party Friday......and Illustration Friday - soaked

backyard fun2

We have had rain here for days now...and I thought I would look at the bright side of things and be thankful that I don't have to water I was sitting in the Studio thinking of something to create and this sweet watering girl popped into my this is my piece for PPF today.....and I just looked at the prompt for IF this week and it is "soaked" so I must have psychic
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!!

You can find these fun prints added to my Etsy Shop......
Happy Creating!!!! and for another fun challenge join us here every Saturday for "Sweet Saturdays" where you can share something sweet on your blog and add a link here.....


GlorV1 said...

She is great Diana. Yes the rain has been falling lately and no need to water. She looks pretty happy watering. I like her. Happy PPF and great job!

Unknown said...

Thank you Gloria!!! I hope we get some sunshine this weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

She's so cute Diana! I love her flip flops! Makes me want to go outside and water, which I love doing. Happy PPF! :-)

martinealison said...

Bonjour ma très chère Diana,
En France nous souffrons réellement de la sécheresse... Ta charmante petite aux mille couleurs serait la bienvenue dans mon jardin!
J'adore les détails apportés, ses petites tongues et une robe comme j'aimerais bien porter... Ton dessin est tout simplement adorable et rempli de fraîcheur... Bravo my sweet amie.
Gros bisous...

Hybrid J said...

Such cheerful painting ... makes me smile! ;)

marianne said...

Lovely summer fun Diana!

Have a wonderful day♥

Anonymous said...

she's so sweet! is it all graphic design or collage work-its hard to tell with all the different textures-lovely!

Sacred Yoli said...

Oh she is a sweety! She can come water my garden anytime. :-)

Virtual Boy said...

Adorable work, love the texture on her dress and the fun patterns you added in the background!

Abela said...

Nice scene and great fun! Happy weekend. Saludos

Netty said...

This is such a fun piece Diana and love your beautiful girl. Annette x

Lynne Moncrieff said...

Hi Diana
I am visiting from Paint Party Friday.
This is simply wonderful.

Christine said...

what a 'refreshing' sketch, love it.

Cathy Bueti said...

Diana she is lovely! We are stuck in rain too all week. Looking forward to all of us getting the sunshine back! :)

Crystal said...

Cute drawing! You are right, no watering for now. Glad the rain has finally stopped and the sun is shining! :-)

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Well, I wish this lady came to my garden cause there is not enough rain in this part so we have to water our garden. :) Beautiful illustration as always, Diane. :)

Unknown said...

She is GREAT fun! And I'll send you some sun in exchange for some of your rain- we've been having to water almost daily here in Georgia!
Happy PPF,

Sylvia Liu said...

I always enjoy your work, and thanks for reminding me of Sweet Saturdays. I'll try to post something for it.

Pam Tucker said...

What a happy piece! It makes the soaking not such a bad thing. ;) Love the bright colors!

Maggie said...

She is having fun in the garden! And so pretty with her colorful clothes and flip flops. I like the patterns you have used in the background and the way they contrast with the illustration.

And, I guess that's the bright side of all the watering.

Lynette said...

What a lovely interpretation of soaked!

EVA said...

What a great Spring/Summer image! Wonder if she's going to wash the car or water the garden or have a water fight? Love the colours too.

SHERI COOK said...

A cute creation for soaked. HAPPY PPF!

JS DANIEL said...

I really like this!!Cheerful!

Tammie Lee said...

cute as can be Diane!

Terri Kahrs said...

There's been no need for a watering can or hose in our neighborhood, Diana! Mother Nature must like it because it's been day after day of rain! Your sweet little gardener is delightful! Happy, Happy Weekend!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Terrie said...

Fun and whimsical but so evocative of those warm summer days. We probably won't see a warm enough day til August in the NW, but I can live vicariously. Really fun!

Tea Doodle said...

Love the sweet watering girl. We've had rain here for days also.

Kristin Dudish said...

Perfect timing! Such fun colors and patterns - I love the playfulness of it!


Mary Hysong said...

Love your girl! Are the background areas patterned papers or did you paint all of that?! Happy PPF.

Julie Prichard said...

This is a really nice illustration! So it!

Unknown said...

Hi Diana, love your take on the rain...send some over here...we are in draught....

Denise Mulligan said...

She is very sweet looking. It's a very sunny, happy piece. Makes me happy too!

Heather Foust said...

Ahhh Diana this is so cute! I lvoe her hat! I need a hat! We too are getting soaked in this part of the world too. So tired of it. I need the sunshine. I saw it for around 5 minutes. Happy PPF!

Melisa said...

I love her hat!

Michaele Razi said...

So sweet! Just love your colors and textures!

Sandra Evertson said...

I LOVE her ... She looks just like you, Beautiful and Sunny!

Sandra Evertson

Deborah said...

Oh Diana, could you please whip up a polka-dotted top for me??? I have missed your JoY greatly. **sigh** BIG love, Deb

Anne Butera said...

Great illustration! Really dynamic. Love her outfit, too!

Jenny said...

oh dear...more webbed feet! :)
What a lovely and fun cheery :)x

Heather said...

Oh she's great! I love your positive are right, we haven't had to water the gardens here for a week!!!! I love her polka dot shirt! - such a fun illo! have a great weekend. - xoxo

BahamaDawn said...

i love your style! great PPF artwork!

Ana M.F. said...

pretty girl :)

Deepa Gopal said...


Nina Seven N7 said...

so nice and cheerful. love the fun colors!

Hannah said...

I love how you've done the water and her colourful outfit is fantastic!

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