Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sweet Saturdays week #007 and Sunday Sketch....

Sweet Saturdays

May 10th  2011 055

May 10th  2011 054

May 10th  2011 059

Oh this past week was amazing....the weather was warm and sunny and there is were so many things to see and enjoy and get inspired we are spending most of our days outdoors...looking at amazing gardens and working on our own garden too....

Blogger had some hick ups and so did our home computer....but we seem to be ok now.....sorry for the late post for Sweet Saturdays.....

This plant is so beautiful.....Cole says that the flowers are upside we had to take a photo from the ground up!!!! The botanical name of this amazing plant is

Fritillaria imperialis or you can also call it.... Crown imperial or Kaiser's Crown......
I also thought I would include some photos of my sweet little guy...for Sweet me he is as sweet as things can get!!!

May 10th  2011 131

May 10th  2011 093

May 10th  2011 070
and my Sunday Sketch inspired by the Fritillaria imperialis.....

Happy Weekend Everyone....and don't forget to show us your sweet art piece, your sweet illustration, your sweet recipe or photo....anything sweet!!!


Christine said...

Diana, I've never seen flowers like that before, what are they?

joanna said...

Can't wait to see what you come up with Diana! cole looks real cute :)

Unknown said...

Hi Christine.....I will update this once I get the name!!!! They are pretty cool!!!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks Joanna!!!!! I will update my blog once I have the piece complete!!!!!!

Michaele Razi said...

So jealous! I live in the NW and it's been yucky. BTW, your son is absolutely perfect!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

Your garden is beautiful and love all the plants and sweet photo of Cole proudly standing beside them.
Enjoy your time out in the sunshine and the weekend.


Netty said...

Fabulous pictures and loving your little boy, how handsome he is.

Unknown said...

Thank you Carolyn!!! and thank you Annette!!! I had some computer and blogger issues this week.....I felt lost!!!!

Terri Kahrs said...

My earlier comment 'disappeared' when the Blogger bug bit! What a disaster! These lovely pics brightened my day. Cole is getting to be such a big, handsome boy, and I adore you sketch. Happy Weekend! Hugs, TErri xoxo

Morph Waffle said...

He is very sweet and your pictures are lovely. Beautiful drawing!

Diane said...

I have to say.....nothing is sweeter than that little Cole! The flowers are positively gorgeous. I don't remember ever seeing those before. Have a wonderful weekend, Diana! xoxo Diane

Heather said...

oh, he's the sweetest, that little cole in the beatufiul tulips!!!!!! Have a great saturday! xoxo

Christine said...

Sweet Cole, and lovely Sunday Sketch. Thanks for introducing me to this unusual flower.

lissa said...

what a cute little guy.

have a sweet day.

DoodleDesign said...

Owhh.. how I wish I could go to that beautiful garden too!

Kristin Dudish said...

This post is sweet for sure! I love your photos and your sketch is fabulous - what cool "upside down" flowers"!


Melisa said...

He does look like a sweetie. I love the last one with the crooked grin. What a charmer! Those are such cool flowers. I like the dark stems. They almost don't look real!

Joni Nickrent said...

Beautiful pix of Cole, your garden and your inspired piece! Wonderful work!

Unknown said...

Fantastic flower and yes your little man is the photos...

Reflections said...

Your sketch is amazing... as beautiful as the flowers of the garden, as sweet as the images of Cole.

Elizabeth Claire said...

OMG I love , just love those photos..and the flowers are amazing. I was mesmerized with the beauty ! Your sketches are amazing! I will buy a book for my grandson, soon!!

Sinderella's Studio said...

Your sketch is perfectly amazing. The photos are great inspiration! Yep, your guy is SWEET!!!
cheers, dana

Tammie Lee said...

I have never seen the upside down flower before, gorgeous and amazing to see. You did a lovely job of portraying it. Thank you for sharing all your beauty.

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