Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A wonderful long weekend and Creative Tuesdays.....

tree huggers

We just celebrated Victoria Day here in Canada so we had a nice long weekend....and where do Canadians go for long weekends....the cottage....this week we all went up to Wasaga Beach and also visited Collingwood....it was so much fun to enjoy the sights and sounds of the Holiday weekend.....I also noticed that the theme on Creative Tuesdays this week is "Trees" and you all know just how much I love trees...so I created this piece for the challenge this week.....these two tree huggers just make me smile....

Happy Tuesday Everyone....and here are some photos from our amazing weekend.....

May 24th  2011 089

May 24th  2011 077

May 24th  2011 085

May 24th  2011 082

May 24th  2011 062

May 24th  2011 055

At Blue Mountain they have a new ride that is the first coaster that is on a mountain.....it will be open year round so you can even ride it in the snow!!!! how cool is that!!!
May 24th  2011 041

May 24th  2011 030

and food....a big  part of our family gatherings!!!! Thank you Mom and Dad for the great times this weekend!!!!
May 24th  2011 095


Daniella said...

Your trip pictures look amazing!!! What a fabulous view, and your little guy sitting in all of the little things, soooo cute!!
Your tree is fantastic!! The dimension you got is unbelievable!

Crystal said...

Love your tree huggers. Looks like you had a good time on your long weekend! The place looks enchanting, but I think my favorite of your photos is your son in the giant chair!!! :-)

Daniella said...

First, your tree is amazing!! YOU have wonderful dimension!
Your vacation pictures are also fabulous!! WHat gorgeous views!!
Your son is adorable!! And the pictures of him on, or in, little things make him even cuter!!!!!

Melisa said...

Cute! I really enjoyed your weekend photos, too. It looks like a beautiful place.

Terri Kahrs said...

What a fabulous weekend!!! Thanks for sharing it with us. OMG! I just can't get over how big Cole is getting!!! Yet he looks so tiny in that huge Adorondack chair (giggle, giggle!) Hugs, Terri xoxo

Lisa M Griffin said...

What wonderful pictures. And I can't believe how big Cole is getting. :)
Thanks for sharing.

Jane said...

Looks like you had a great weekend. Wonderful tree of love too

Christine said...

love your tree hugger sketch and thanks for sharing those wonderful photos....just wow.

linda (dots n doodles) said...

Love the tree huggers and the texture of the bark. Reminds me of when people would carve their initials together with a heart.

Birdie said...

Looks like a fabulous weekend. I really like the tree too! How did you do it? Is it multiple layers of paper/fabric or is it computerized?

Michaele Razi said...

So fun! Love the photos!

Unknown said...

Love your tree picture.... and your weekend looks fantastic.... beautiful pictures.... you live in a really beautiful part of the world...

Heather said...

this looks like a great place for a get away - thanks for sharing the fun photos...is that a real chair???? wow!
LOVe your tree love! the texture on the tree is cool! wonderuful birdies too!

EVA said...

Love the tree huggers! It looks like you had a fabulous long weekend. (I weeded, and weeded and then did some more weeding)

Janice said...

A wonderful love tree! I enjoyed
your photos as well.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

So glad you had a happy weekend away with your family and I enjoyed seeing the wonderful photos.
Also love the tree huggers, in love.

Have a great week

Betsy Brock said...

a weekend at the cottage...that sounds lovely!

Your little Cole is such a cutie! Oh my goodness! He reminds me a bit of my Taylor, who is 19 already..somehow...lol...

Love the drawing...2 sets of lovebirds at that tree!

Kristin Dudish said...

Your tree huggers are wonderful! It looks like you had a great weekend (and Cole is absolutely adorable)!


p.s. I'm still trying to decide whether I think a coaster in the winter is fun or terrifying! ha!

Anonymous said...

These photos are amazing, very beautiful and you have such a great eye for taking the right poses.
So nice to see you having such a wonderful time.
Thank you so much for your lovely message Diane!

Wanda said...

Diana, what a lovely tree hugging entry...Yes, two sets of love birds.

Your trip is out of this world beautiful, and your son adorable, and quite the poser.

I had never read your profile, and I really think your advice to artists is excellent. Be Yourself.

Michael said...


your son is so sweet looking adn love the feast you have laid out rthere. Glad you had a good weekend.

Now, onto the Ct itself. Brilliant. Very cute. Ty for doing this. I love it.

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