Thursday, May 19, 2011

Just made a little montage as a tribute to my favorite little insect....the Honey Bee


I love Honey many of you already know....they make our gardens happy and create sweet treats to share with us....with all kinds of healing properties...I use bees in my work a lot and wanted to share a little Bee inspired Montage with you to pay tribute to my little friends that are buzzing about today....we have had rain for days now so the little bit of sun that popped out this morning made me think about my cute little friends and all the work they will be doing in all of our gardens this summer!!!

Here's to the busy bees out there!!!!

bee lieve 3

busy bee from Paris 007

April 2st 2011 024

I think I will work on some more bees in the Studio Happy Thursday!!!


marianne said...

Lovely post Lovely bees!!!!

Bee happy dear♥

Unknown said...

Thank you Sweet Marianne!!! you know me and the bees!!!!

Diane said...

SO sweet, Diana! I love all the bees! Hugs, Diane

Michaele Razi said...

Love the honey bee! Wonderful stuff as usual!

Unknown said...

Thank you Diane!!! and Michaele.....I love bees!!!!

Alexiev said...

Very nice bee ... is the search for materials and textures ...

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...

Proyectos - Illustrations

Alexiev Store - venta de originales

Unknown said...

Thank you Alexiev!!!

Netty said...

Loving all your bees Diana, they all have smashing characteristics. Annette x

Unknown said...

Thank you Annette!!! so glad yo like my bees!!!

GlorV1 said...

Hi Diana. Happy Thursday to you too. I just love your bees. You have captured them very well. They are very cute. We have had a lot of bees in our yard because of my lavendar. They just are swarming and doing their work. Great post, lots of good bees on your blog. Take care.

Marie S said...

I love bees too and this post is very fun!
I love the bee girl with the hive, that is so cute!!
Boy is Cole getting big. He is a handsome handsome boy, Diana!
Happy Thursday to you too, my friend!!

Janet said...

Bee-utiful! wonderful bees, I especially like the little photo frame - very clever.

Anonymous said...

you are such a sweet little honey bee yourself!
this is adorable! glad I stopped by for a free smile!

ciao bella!

Creative Carmelina

Unknown said...

Thank you Gloria!!!

Thank you Marie!!!!

Thank you Sophia!!!

Thank you Janet !!!

and thank you Carmelina!!!

So wonderful to hear from you all!!!!


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