Sunday, May 29, 2011

Messing around with some Sunday Sketches......


From sketch to colour to messing around....Happy Sunday Sketches Everyone.....

Happy Sunday Everyone!!! hope you are all having a great weekend...and to my Friends due south....Happy Memorial Day.....

A little quickie I did for Sunday Sketches....and then I messed around with the sketch for some added fun....


SaraLynnArt said...

I just have to say: I LOVE that hat!!! Absolutely charming.

Unknown said...

Thank you SaraLynn!!!! I always love hats for some reason!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

I love your wonderful Ladies in all their finery.
Happy weekend and hope that the sun is shinning at your place.


marianne said...

Such a nice mess :)
Have a nice Sunday♥

Anonymous said...

oh you've had triplets,lol! Three times the beauty!

Jehanne's doodles said...

oh this is really cool. I love the texture and the background goes so well too!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Love the sketch (as usual!).
I just read your text under your photo on the sidebar---yes, I *am* SLOW!!---and you could not have stated creating better.
That needs to be in 60 pt. type in front of every aspiring artist....
Happy Sunday!


WrightStuff said...

Always a pleasure to visit you Diana, but I haven't been for a week or so, so right now I'm off for a enjoyable browse around to see what you've been up to!

Christine said...

love your ladies today! Nice background too.

Debbie said...

Great sketch, love the hat! Happy Sunday!

Unknown said...

Love these... they would make great paper dolls....

Anonymous said...

it's super cool.
Happy Memorial Day.

Valerie-Jael said...

Really cool sketches and drawings! Valerie

Marlene said...

This is a fabulous fun sketch, love the hats and color choices.
Thanks for the comments on my Eminem sketch, I wish I could take full credit but I am looking at a picture of him and sketching from that. Since it is going to my granddaughter and not to be sold I think that is okay, otherwise I would be afraid of copyright infringment.

Tammie Lee said...

she is so cute and I love to see you having fun!

Sabina said...

This is really cool. There's something about this girl and the background that reminds me of a playing card. Also love the flower in her hair.

Heather said...

Love the hat and the rose in her hair! yay, it's memorial day weekend here! thanks for the holiday wishes! she's a beauty!

Kristin Dudish said...

It is very fun to see the progression from b&w to color to added texture... Very cool!


Sinderella's Studio said...

cheers, dana

Lisa M Griffin said...

Wonderful Sunday Sketches... I love seeing how you are mixing in the background textures.
Have a great week!

Virtual Boy said...

Your "messing around" looks awesome, can imagine this pattern being printed on fabric! The stitches on her clothes and rose together with the dress' and hat's texture give off a fabric'y feel as well!
Overall, great work!

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