Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day !!!!

Nothing like a Mother's Love 2

Wishing all of you Moms out there a wonderful Mother's Day....May you share memories with your Moms and pay tribute to them if they are away....they sure do shape our world and I feel very blessed to have such an amazing Mom in my life....She is my best friend and I love all the great times we have with eachother week after week.....She is one of my biggest fans and she makes my heart smile when I see her handing out my Business cards and postcards to people that need a new Picture book....

She is one of the most amazing cooks I know and I feel so blessed to have learned from her my whole life....and keep learning from her each and every week..(even though I will never admit it lol)

We laugh and enjoy life and that is the most important lesson she has taught me....The importance of family and making and sharing amazing memories and traditions with family....She is the foundation that held our whole family together and I hope I can be a wonderful Mother like her to our children.....and I hope that I will be an amazing wife and friend....just like she is.....Thank you for everything !!!!

Mommy Day

I thought my bird sketch for Sunday Sketches was just perfect for Mother's day as it exemplifies the way Mother's guard and take care of their children....There is nothing more beautiful than the love a Mother has for her children.....

Wishing you all the best....and I hope you all head over to Sophia's Sunday Sketches to enjoy more amazing art....

Happy Mother's Day!!!!


Unknown said...

Love the birds and chicks...perfect for Mother's's a real blessing when we have great Mum's, mine's wonderful too....have a good day...

martinealison said...

En ce jour particulier je souhaite à toutes les mamans une merveilleuse fête et un bisou exceptionnel pour toi ma chère Diana... Chez nous en France cette fête se célèbre le dernier dimanche du mois de mai.
Je trouve que tu as fait un excellent choix parmi tes magnifiques illustrations pour honorer la fête des mamans... De gros bisous

Marlene said...

Good Morning and Happy Mother's Day to you. The sketch is perfect for today and your post is a lovely tribute to your mom.

Christine said...

a touching tribute to mother's day Diana, (tears in my eyes), wonderful art to go with it.

Morph Waffle said...

I love your birdy piece, so cute, I also really like the colors. Happy Mother's Day!

Wanda's Wings said...

Very beautiful. Happy Mother's day.

Sinderella's Studio said...

beautiful post...we are lucky to have great mom's!
cheers, dana

EVA said...

Adorable birds! Very pretty.

Such a lovely tribute to your Mom!

Happy SS and Mother's Day!!

Tammie Lee said...

your son and mother look so much alike, so fun to see this. Your art is quite charming. Happy Mother's Day!

Joni Nickrent said...

Very Tweet...oops, I mean SWEET! Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

Your bird design is so sweet-really cute. We had mother's day back in Marchin the UK. Hope you're having a wonderful mother's day there!

Heather said...

Happy Mother's day diana! i hope you are enjoying it with a latte! hee hee! What a sweet relationship you have with your mom, you are very lucky.
Have a great day! I adore the birds, that a map behind them??? so cool! xoxo

Leovi said...

He has been a wonderful drawing. I love the background design.

Melisa said...

Aw, love the sweet birdie babies with their mamas.

Nelly said...

These are so cute. I just love them. Happy Mother's Day to you too.

Deanna said...

Diana, I think these little birds are my new favorite of your sketches. Very cute and what a wonderful tribute to your mom.

Michaele Razi said...

Lovely! The colors, the compo--just yum! And Happy Mommy's Day!

Janine said...

Oh this birds aes so lovely.
You are right, there are mothers where ever you look.
Happy mothersday to you too.
I bet Cole painted a great picture for you.
Have a great weak

joanna said...

Beautiful tribute to your mom Diana! your artwork is adorable!

Hannah said...

Hi Diana, Hope you had a great Mother's Day! I love love love the birds. They are so sweet and the colours you have chosen are to die for!

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