Monday, July 16, 2012

The Summer of Colour ....week 6

Well you know what they say....."Time flies when you're having fun"

it sure is the start of the last week of the Summer of Colour....and I am sad that it is flew by and was a blast and a half......The above piece is my take on the colours for this week....all inspired by "Watermelon Ice"......

and I also thought I would share the six weeks of my Summer of colour....

What a super fun time.....

Thanks for being here and I wish you all a wonderful start to the week....

Happy Monday and Happy Creating Everyone!!!


bellefrogworks said...

Beautiful work as always Diana - I will miss this challenge. I'm sure we will meet again on another!

Unknown said...

Thank you Gina!!! It was fun!!!!

Marja's Stamp Addiction en Marja's Creativity said...

What a beautiful work Diane and so very very creative. Love them all. The first one is also gorgeous again.
Lovely greet

Janine said...

Hi Diana
your summer- drawings look so fresh and delicious.
I wish I could enjoy summer, but here we have a neverending autumn, with storm and rain.
Hava a great sunny week

Diana Taylor said...

I love your interpretation of this weeks theme - it is so colourful and that green really 'pops'! Very clever and original design.

Netty said...

Loving your watermelon flowers and all the rest of your wonderful artwork. Annette x

Joanna said...

What a great idea - watermelon flowers :o)

Marji said...

All of these are really delightful. I love your watermelon slice flowers. Brilliant!!

Unknown said...

those watermelon flowers are great!

Cathy Bueti said...

Love those watermelon Diana!! And those happy looking donuts! Very cool!

Hard to believe its the middle of july already! Time is flying!


martinealison said...

Je fonds comme neige au soleil ou "ice-cream" au soleil!!! en admirant tes merveilleuses créations.
Les couleurs d'une pastèque sont toujours fascinantes et tu les as divinement mises en scène...
Ton travail est fantastique... Je te fais de très gros bisous ma très chère Diana! Ton petit doit se régaler...

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

The perfect treats to enjoy for summer. I love all your sweet paintings, the colours are fabulous.

Happy week

Tracy said...

Those watermelon flowers are gorgeous!

Carolyn Dube said...

Your watermelon flowers are fabulous!!! I'd so love a garden full of them!

Anonymous said...

Diane for some reason I don't seem to have seen any of your previous pieces - sometimes, I don't get round all the blogs in time I guess but these are all so gorgeous! I love the theme running through all your flavours - delicious!

Alexiev said...

All your pictures make me hungry. That cute they are. I like watermelon flowers. And the woman ice cream.

Great Diana,

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...
Proyectos - Illustrations
Alexiev Store - venta de originales
@alexievg en twitter

Lisa M Griffin said...

YUM! What a fun, bright and delicious looking bunch of art. Always fun to see what creative happenings you have been working on. :)

Shahrul Niza said...

Your watermelons are making me smile :). Great work.

Unknown said...

Beautiful, fun and very creative your work as usual. Love it!!
Have a great day!

denthe said...

I LOVE your watermelon flowers! very original!

Kathy said...

Love those watermelon flowers ... too cute.. I love all your pieces for the challenge.. I am sad it's over too.. it has been fun...

Tori B. said...

The watermelon flowers are so sweet and so original. I think they're my favorite out of all your pieces in the challenge.

Janice Kay Schaub said...

I have such the urge for Spring and your pictures are so fresh. Beautiful
I love them

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