Sunday, July 15, 2012

Happy Birthday to our son Cole.....

Here is the special cake I just baked and decorated for munchkin!!!! hope he loves it!!! 

Happy Birthday to our son Cole.....

Today is a day I will never ever forget.....Six years ago I received the greatest gift in the world. My little man came into our lives and from that moment on everything was super clear to me....the sheer enjoyment he brings to me each and every day.....not to mention that I have learned more in the last six years with him around than I have for years previous.....he has opened my eyes to see everything in a whole different find enjoyment in the little things each and every delight in a bumble bee, ask silly questions, or look at flowers wide eyed with happiness.....he has taught me so much and I am by no means a perfect person....but some how through his eyes.....and his words I feel super special each and every day.....and that is truly the greatest gift in the world....

The biggest thing he has taught me was to just take a leap....and try new things....even if you get hurt or fall you can always try again....he also makes me think about so many important things in life...especially family....he is perfection to me and I am so proud of him and all he has done in these last few years....

Happy Birthday made me believe in dreams again! We love you more than words can ever say.....

hope you have a super amazing day today!!!! it will be filled with love....


Mommy and Daddy....


marianne said...

Oh Diana such a beautiful post for Cole!
he is such a sweetheart!
I understand your feelings and I agree with the learning part too!
The cake is super duper!!!!
He will love it!
enjoy this very special day with him!
love and hugs
Happy Birthday Cole!

Sílvia Mota Lopes said...

Parabéns!!! :)
Muitas felicidades

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the sweet Birthday Wishes Marianne and Silvia!!!!

Kokopelli said...

Happy Birthday, Cole!
And what a yummy cake. I love Spongebob!

soulbrush said...

Can't believe he is 6 already. Happy bday to him and lots more years of happiness to you all.

bellefrogworks said...

Those are darling photos - he is such a cutie. My 7 yo grandson in my little man - he lives with us and is a tremendous source of sunshine in our lives. Happy Birthday Cole!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for all the sweet Birthday wishes!!! Cole always loves to hear from you!!!! Hugs

Lisa M Griffin said...

Hope it was a wonderful birthday... from the pictures, looks like plenty of beautiful memories.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

Happy birthday to Cole and what a sweet post you have shared.
The photos say it all with the beautiful love you share. Cute cake and we like Spongebob in our family too.

Have a great week

Christine said...

Happy Birthday Cole! Wow, they grow so fast.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much Lisa, Carolyn and Christine!!!

Ces Adorio said...

Sorry, I am late! I meant to come here sooner but got delayed. Happy Belated Birthday to dearest Cole. Tsup!
Enjoy your summer!

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