Hi Everyone....and welcome to my blog.....today is Friday and I am thrilled to share a sweet piece of art our cute little munchkin worked on.....I am in love with his use of colour and his love of painting....We were doing some reading and writing and then I said I think we should draw.....and Cole turned to me and said...
"Mommy, I think we need to paint like real artists do".....and how could I say no to that....so he painted this super amazing abstract that looks like a magical landscape scene to me.....I am sharing this with all of my super amazing and talented friends over at Paint Party Friday this week....I was also going to show a new painting of mine....but it is all about munchkin's work today....and I am so super proud......so I hope you enjoy it!!!
Happy Friday Everyone....and Happy Creating.....

Oh Diana! How proud you must be! He is most definitely YOUR son! This piece is AMAZING. How quickly his talent is growing. You such a good Mommy ♥♥♥ Big Love, Deb
Wow, Diana, this painting is WONDERFUL. I love the color and the softness. It really does look like a landscape. You really do have a little budding artist there. He just keeps getting cuter. Tell him his painting is very cool and liked a lot, please.
♥ audrey
Beautiful work of your little artist. He has a lot of talent!!
That is one talented little Dude, LOVE his masterpiece, please tell him so!! Happy PPF #7! Robin Panzer Art Studio 33
Hi Diana,
How fabulous the painting is, by your very talented little Artist. I love his use of amazing bright colours.
I have the same English porcelain paint palette.
Happy weekend
Congratulations, Cole. Your work is amazing. I love all of the bright happy colors in your painting. I would love to have a painting just like yours to look at and enjoy every day.
Evan's painting is delightful! I love the colors and movement. Great job, Mom! :)
Ab so lute ly beautiful. I love seeing kids who really let go and fly with art...and be lucky enough to be encouranged freely by their parents!
wow, it is beautiful, it looks like a desert or lake or something! great work!
Children are the best artists! Save his work, it is a treasure ;o)
Simply amazing.
Congratulations on this faboulous blog. Many wonderful watercolors posted. I like your style a lot.
Hawaiian Paintings
wow loving Cole's magical landscape, his choice of colours are supreme. x
oh my word, diana, I've said this before I know but you really have the most beautiful little boy! He's just gorgeous and what fabulous art work! I love this abstract piece andhe seems to have a handle on watercolour with the way he's got the colour to run in parts! definitely going to have inherited his mum's artistic skills!
Omg he is amazing...I would frame that for sure!! I would never have known a small person painted such a wonderful abstract!! Wow Cole you are such an amazing natural artist!! I love color more than I could ever explain, and you my dear boy know how to use color in a way that makes me sooooo happy!!
Thanks for sharing your sons work Diana....you must be incredibly proud!!
Hugs Giggles
He sure has his mommy's talent. I think this is excellent. Well done Cole. You are my hero!
Hi Cole! You made a magical painting- just like a real artist! Patsy from
HeARTworks and
He is going to be quite an artist! Love his color choices....tell Cole I said good job!!!! I'm looking forward to more of his awesome artwork!
You should be proud, he really has a flair for color, doesn't he?
Love the colours used here, very summery. Children have that great ability to paint without restrictions that us grown-ups have...wonderful, it's so good to see you encourage as you do.
He gets more and more handsome by the day - and he's a very talented artist (just like his Mum!).
He's got your talent, fabulous work. Happy PPF to you both!
Excellent work by your adorable son. Beautiful colors. He definitely is your SON. Happy weekend to you. Say hello to the little painter.
Gorgeous- I LOVE the work of children! I'd be framing that in a heartbeat!
He definitely has his Mama's talents!
Happy PPF,
You need to let him know that he is teaching me! (And he is incredibly adorable!) I love his color and the fluid-ness of his lines. He has created such a great abstract scene and I am working to open up to more of the abstract.
Wow! Budding artist already ~ wonderful creation! ~~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)
I love the freshness of this piece, it sings!
That is so awesome... tell Cole he is taking after his Mum and a magnificent talent... all that delicious colour... and I have to say that he could be Phantom's brother.... she looked just like that at his age, but with curlier hair... it is quite freaky... mind you now she is vampire pale and has curls down to her waist, but she was so much like your Cole it is freaky...
have a great week
That is an amazing painting!
Thought it was yours at first before I read further! :)
Happy PPF!!
Mixed-Media Map Art
What a beautiful boy painting such a beautiful painting..
This is beautiful, Cole is talented like his mom!
Go Munchkin! Er, I mean Cole. Great work, and yes this one fab magical landscape. He is talented beyond his years.
WOW that is really awesome. He has a real eye for using color. What a great palette he chose.
Wow! Already an accomplished artist! You go, Cole! I love your painting!
I love his painting, and he is just the cutest little guy! I hope you'll continue to share his work--
Such a cutie! Love his bright smile. And the watercolor is so much fun and so colorful. Cheers me up! Happy PPF!
That's awesome!! Love that you shared that with us!!! Adorable!
I thought that was a painting you were working on - he is a very artistic little boy!!! And cute as a button as well.
he is very very talented indeed! :D
This is lovely! My own munchkin hasn't gotten beyond smearing paint everywhere (though we have lots of fun with that!) and I'm looking forward to seeing her develop her own ideas and style.
Caitlyn (ladyphlogiston)
Munchkin definitely has the talent. His colors are good too. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Janet PPF
((((Hugs)))) for Cole.
Cole did a fantastic job, I love the use of colours, very magical looking. :)
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