Do you like the sun? are you a sun worshiper....or are you a shady lady?
I love the sun and the beach and I love to get that gorgeous glow but I am all about keeping my skin young I have found something super simple that really makes your skin look amazing.....
I use Organic Coconut oil on my skin and it does wonders!!! It is a natural anti-aging cream and it doesn't cost a small fortune either....did you also know that using it to cook with is way healthier and better for your waste.....
Coconut oil is one of nature's richest source of medium-chain triglycerides. These are special fatty acids. They are very different from most other dietary fats that are stored in the body. The medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil ( *lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid) are used right away to create energy, rather than being accumulated by the body and turned into fat that is stored in all the wrong places. This is one reason why it can actually promote cool is that.....I think I have to start cooking with this stuff more.....
Have a super day and Thank you for being here.....
Happy Tuesday and Happy Creating Everyone....

Hi Diana,
The shady ladies are fabulous and I love the pretty colours.
I used to be a sun worshiper but like to cover up a lot more now and just have a glow.
thanks for sharing your tips with the Organic coconut oil.
Have a great week
Ma très chère Diana, tes demoiselles avec les parapluies m'ont fait penser au film "Les parapluies de Cherbourg"... Je pense que tu connais.
Ces derniers temps, ils auraient été utiles dans ma région. Exceptionnellement nous subissons un été étrange, il pleut souvent! Toutefois, il semblerait que le soleil veuille bien s'installer au moins pour quelques jours !
J'aurais alors besoin d'une ombrelle ou de ta crème miraculeuse...
De gros bisous et si je ne trouve pas un petit moment avant mon départ pour te faire un coucou, sache que je serai de retour à la mi-septembre.
Thank you Carolyn!!!!!
Lovely Shady Ladies!
~Sandy #118 WOYWW
sandy's crafty creations
what super ladies and thanks for the tip,not a great sunlover myself :)
happy woyww
kay #35
Great shady ladies, love the colouring! Trish #55
I always assumed coconut oil would be very calorific - how wrong was I?? Your explanation was very interesting!
Hugs, LLJ ~28 xx
I love the sun, love it. But I'm not into allowing my skin to be harmed, for sure! Ipresume you mean the oil as a moisturiser and do-gooder, because it won't offer any protection! Pretty shady ladies...great pastels that evoke hot days.
I don't know speak english , but I folow you,I just only want to say you: I love your work!!, it's wonderful..
Greetings from Spain.
Hi, Diana! Love your shady ladies. I like being out in the sun and when I do, I wear sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat. Thanks for sharing about coconut oil. Enjoy your day!
Wonderful piece Diana, love your ladies and their beauteous dresses.
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