Sunday, January 30, 2011

It just seems fitting to create Angels on a Sunday....

cat 4x6 - 600

cat 4x6 - 600 bw
I have been working away on my line of Sweet Guardians.....and today I am featuring a finished piece....above....She is a Sweet Guardian who loves feline friends.....I think she is sweet to look after cat lovers and cats.....

Did you know that a Guardian Angel is a special Angel that is assigned to guard a special person....

and do you know that people have believed in Guardian Angels for as long as time!!!

I know I always feel like there is someone watching over us....our special Guardian Angels.....

I am submitting this sketch and final piece to my Sunday Sketches this week...She just makes me smile....

Happy Sunday Everyone and Happy Creating!!!


SaraLynnArt said...

I loved the line art but WOW does this look awesome colored. The textures make it pop.

Unknown said...

Thanks Sara!!!! I am having so much fun with these Angel pieces....and loving the backgrounds too....and I have to add some bees bees too!!!!

martinealison said...

Ce petit ange avec ce petit chat et les petites abeilles est absolument adorable et j'aime penser qu'il pourrait ĂȘtre le mien...

marianne said...

Lovely Diana!!!!
All these different textures are great together like it is collaged.

Have a nice Sunday ♥


Just one word to tell ...
check out mine as well ..

Marlene said...

She makes me smile also. Very pretty, love the colors in this one.

Christine said...

I love the background of your sweet Guardian angel too. You're right, how fitting for a Sunday.

Heather said...

love her colored and the texture of your background! beautiful hair and eyes...Love the way your work Pops! the line work is beautiful, too! enjoy your sunday! xxoo

Janine said...

I love your dear angels.

Morph Waffle said...

So lovely!

WrightStuff said...

My son is looking over my shoulder and singing to be about angels. So sweet - (that's him and your sketch!!)

m7 said... do u make that stuff..?

Julia Christie said...

I'm loving this series, and I love the idea behind it too! I'd like to think we all have a guardian angel looking out for us.

The textures in this finished piece are really wonderful and I always love your linework! Hope you are enjoying a wonderful Sunday!


Debbie said...

I'm a cat lover, so I really love that you included one with your awesome angel!

Terri Kahrs said...

Angels always make me smile and think happy thoughts! She's wonderful, Diana!!! Hugs, Terri

Shayla said...

She is absolutely beautiful Diana! You are such a great artist. That is so weird that we have believed in guardian angels for so's weird just to think about we have thought someone is "watching over us," all this time.

EVA said...

Very pretty!

Even with nine lives, every cat needs a Guardian Angel ... or maybe that's why they have nine lives!

Tammie Lee said...

ah, this is adorable!

Kristin Dudish said...

I love your use of pattern in this piece... wonderful.


Lenora said...

This is so wonderful - one of our favs - my daughter loves it so much!

Helen said...

I love this so much and her robe is wonderful - the patterns really work.

Reflections said...

Love the colors, and she is so beautiful... nicely done.

Virtual Boy said...

Amazing work, love all the colors and patterns! Great work in the neat lineart too!

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