Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Morning Sketches....

love bear - b - colour

love bear - b

I have been doing a lot of Valentine's Day today I created this cute little BEAR that is full of love and sweetness....He is a Bear dressed up like a love bug!!!

Cole came up with this idea...he is such an inspiration to me with his fun ideas....and I love what he comes up with....

What is even more fun is seeing his reaction when I draw his ideas...and see his eyes pop!!! he makes everyday even more fun and I love that he loves to help Mommy come up with ideas....

Happy Sunday!!!!

I am submitting these pieces to "Sunday Sketches"


Heather said...

adorable sentiment and cute that Cole is inpsiring you!!!!!! excellent! i do so love the texture there in that beary cute BEAR!!!!

Heather Foust said...

Happy Sunday to you too Diana!
Well I think your son gave you a great idea. Very cute bear.

Jenn Bower said...

What a great illustration. Isn't it great our sources for inspiration. I use my 11 year old daughter as a sounding board all the time.

Thanks for the supportive words on my post and I love your advice written on your profile page. No truer words could be spoken.

m7 said...

very creative!

Christine said...

oh he's adorable!

martinealison said...

La Saint Valentin vous motive et vous anime à merveille et pour notre plus grand plaisir... Très mignon...

Marlene said...

Thank you for the sweet comments on my blog. This is absolutely adorable, great work. Your son must be proud of his momma and it is wonderful that you encourage him by creating his ideas.

WrightStuff said...

Our kids do have the most wonderful imaginations! Today me and my son have visited his underground headquarters to make inventions (think that came from Despicable me!).

Tammie Lee said...

so beary cute!!

Debbie said...

What a great way to spend time with your son and he had such a cute idea! Love the bear and the words!

Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

So lovely and funnx too, great design and coloration.
Hugs Anja

Rafael Santiago said...

Awwwwww... how cute!

Morph Waffle said...

What beary cuteness!

EVA said...

How very very sweet!

Linda E. Pruitt said...

This is sooooooo cute! I enjoyed!

Julia Christie said...

Soooo cute! Your son comes up with great ideas! I would buy this on a card for sure!

HOpe you are having a relaxing sunday!


Sinderella's Studio said...

adorable - and even more so because your son helped!
cheers, dana

Helen said...

Wonderful! I love it and what a cute bear!

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