Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weekend Sketches.....Take II - Illustration Friday - "Chicken"

were perfect together eggs and bacon- colour final

were perfect together eggs and bacon

When I did the first piece...I had fun with a real chicken and some real fried chicken....then today over breakfast...the phrase "What came first, the Chicken or the Egg?" came to mind and I created this silly piece....and you know eggs and bacon are a perfect they eventually got hitched!!!!

I am also submitting these to Sunday Sketches....over at Blue Chair Diary

The initial sketch is left and the final above really makes me giggle...

Now for some Breakfast!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!


josh pincus is crying said...

very funny, although Eggs' Jewish mother would never approve.

Speaking of Jewish wives, my wife recently introduced me to the expression "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner". I had NEVER heard it before.


Unknown said...

You never ever heard that phrase!!! are you for real!!! wow!!!

Ginger*:) said...

I really like this one! Very clever.

martinealison said...

GĂ©nial!... et ils eurent beaucoup d'enfants!

yoborobo said...

Haha! They look very happy together! :)

Sinderella's Studio said...

Got to love it!!!!!!!!!! I'm off to get some bacon and eggs myself!
cheers, dana

Heather said...

Oh YES, he he he, this is awesome. so funny, I laughed out loud. So nicely done, too with the colors and hearts! Enjoy your breakfast!
happy sunday - xxoo

Marlene said...

Love it! Great sketch for "Chicken" and yes they do make a wonderful couple but I am sure Ham feels very dejected.

Nelly said...

Very clever. I love seeing your sketch and then seeing the final piece. :)

Christine said...

oh this is sooo cute, Mr Bacon and Ms Egg, lol. Now I feel like having some.

Reflections said...

The perfect couple... love the clever take on this one. Beautiful!

Kristin Dudish said...

Oh, I loooove this!!!
It is so great - the colors are fabulous :)


WrightStuff said...

They may well be perfect together, but they'd best hide away from anyone with a healthy appetite!! Yum!

Julia Christie said...

This is one of my favorites! I love this idea and you did a great job with the colors - they look so happy together as well they should! Yum!


Julia Christie said...

Just lost my if it turns up again I guess you'll have two from me - Great job, this is a happy sketch and I love the colors!


Tammie Lee said...

you have made me giggle too~ you have a charming sense of humor that is expressed wonderfully in your art.

EVA said...

LOL!! Perfect illustration in every way!

Linda E. Pruitt said...

We had them for lunch yesterday! Wonderful fun sketch and illustration!

Jenny said...

Heehee! the perfect sunday breakfast :)Love it!

Heather Foust said...

This is great!!! Made me laugh!!! Very cute!

Janine said...

What a happy combination and surly a great marriage.
This is a funny and sweet illustration. So clever and well done

Helen said...

What a lovely, bright and fun clever too. Love it!

Lenora said...

Always thinking out of the box! Fun!

Indigene said...

I love it! I'm very hungry! :)

Angela Matteson said...

Ha, cute! Wedded bliss!

Tamara Henderson said...

lol, great illustration!!

MrBibleHead said...

A match made in heaven... or at least in the kitchen. Hehehe nice one Diana!

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