Friday, January 21, 2011

Illustration "Dusty"


dusty 2

Hi "Dusty"....She loved Ballet and everyday she would head to the dance Studio to learn more ballet....She got the nickname "Dusty" because she was always on the floor and her pink tights always ended up being dusty from the hardwood....Everyone called her Dusty...but her dancing was anything but!

A bit of a stretch this week....but the theme is a bit "Dusty"

I think Dusty will be heading to my shop as a new art print for a cute girl's room....

I loved taking ballet when I was a wee little was so much fun....

I kind of wished I would have stuck with it....instead of letting my ballet shoes get "dusty"

The ballet shoes were my favorite....

Well happy Friday Everyone...

Happy Creating!!!


Terri Kahrs said...

Dusty is adorable and would make be a lovely addition to any little ballerina's bedroom!!! Who wouldn't love a baby ballerina pirouetting on a cupcake?!? Happy weekend! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Unknown said...

Thanks Terri!!!! you're so sweet...I would have loved her in my pink bedroom when I was growing up!!!! she is cute!!!! and I would have loved cupcake art...too...

I guess I am creating the art I would have wanted in my room with this series....

Have a great weekend!!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

So cute! Yes, it would be wonderful for a little girl!
I loved ballet too, and especially the shoes! (which could be why I have bad feet....)
I always regretted not sticking with it~~it must be a phase we go through, right? ;-)


Unknown said...

Oh how wonderful Anne!!!! You took ballet too.....thanks for popping in!!!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!!!!

Krista said...

This is adorable! And from one IF stretcher to another-- you go,girl!

Connie said...

Can you believe I had remedial ballet lessons?! Me and a little boy; I don't think either of us kept it up.

michele said...

Hello to sweet little Dusty from yet another former child ballerina, who's wearing different (house) slippers these days and collecting dust bunnies! :o)

martinealison said...

Cette petite Dusty est adorable et même pleine de poussière elle est plus que la cerise sur le gâteau...
Bisous et merci pour vos gentils commentaires...

erin said...

I started taking ballet again as an adult and love it, I highly recommend it. Must go find cupcakes now...

Juan said...

Wonderful stuff Diana!!

Lisa M Griffin said...

So sweet! I just love little ballerinas and she is wonderful.

Janine said...

I love your little ballerina, and I am glad she loves cupcakes, most of these girls are to thin by far.
Have a sweet weekend

Teri said...

Aw, so sweet. Love the story.

tera said...

How cute! I wanted so bad to take ballet when I was a kid but mom said piano lessons were enough.
Unfortunately, the piano did nothing to help my klutziness!


Indigene said...

That's one tasty looking "Dusty" lol!


Another sweet piece. Any girl would love this image in her room ♥

MrBibleHead said...

Happy Friday Diana! Dusty looks as sweet as the cupcake that she is on! Lovely work!

Julie Hammond said...

Oh my goodness. Your illo. is scrumdidlyuptious! I love it!

Tony LaRocca said...

Very cute - just as long as she doesn't get dust in her cupcake!

arihoma said...

a very cute and sweet little Dusty! :)

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