Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January 31st 2011 - Happy Birthday to me! and OWOH .....January 31st to February 17th 2011!!!! a special way to celebrate with all of you!!!

my myself and I
A photo of me when I was a wee little girl and I started to draw!!!!

Family and amazing friends mean the world to me...and to be able to share my Birthday with my amazing family and friends is all I ever need to fill my heart.... January 31st was my Birthday!!! and I have been celebrating all weekend and week long....little outings with friends, the loves of my life and my amazing family....and memories....

Speaking of fun memories....like my Birthday cake my Mom and Dad picked up for our special Birthday dinner Sunday....This cake is my favorite cake in the world...just the smell of it takes me back to so many of my Birthdays growing up....and to think that the same Baker at the same Bakery has been creating these for my Birthdays year after year.....really blows my mind....

Today is a milestone Birthday and I feel very blessed to have family and friends in my life that really make my life full....

I also feel very blessed to have met so many amazing blog friends...and I share my cake with all of you today also....

Thank you all for being so sweet....

I am also participating in the OWOH FIFTH and FINAL One World One Heart Event...to help celebrate my Birthday and the last OWOH event I will be giving away several prints of my Sweet Guardians....all you have to do is leave me a comment here with a way to get a hold of you.....

You will be able to pick a special Guardian that will be shipped to you so you can frame her and enjoy her....

For those of you that are new to my blog....my name is Diana Evans and I am a full time Illustrator and Designer....I am published in the Children's Market and love to create art each and every day....I love in Ontario, Canada and learned about art from an early age from my Dad....I followed him around as he created amazing paintings and metal sculptures....Illustrating and painting full time has been a dream of mine all my life...and finally one day about 5 years ago I had an opportunity to follow my dreams and create each and every day.....I hope to meet many new blog friends through this wonderful event.....

I host all sorts of fun things on my blog...from daily art to free downloads you can print and create with....so come follow me on my journey!!!! I also run a few fun shops online....my main Etsy Shop....my Custom work shop and my original art stamp shop....

I will be drawing for a bunch of these prints...they are 4inches x 6 inches and fit in standard frames...and I may also include some fun stamp giveaways from my stamp shop....and perhaps even a special custom piece from my Custom Stuff Etsy Shop........so be sure to say hello!!! and let me know how to reach you!!!!

Winners will be announced Feb. 17th and I will email the winners as well as post it on my blog....so be sure to pop back!!!!

Sweet Guardians Logo work


1 – 200 of 245   Newer›   Newest»
Jaime Haney said...

Happy Birthday Diana!! I'm so glad you've shared your birthday news and that scrumptious looking cake. Think of me girl, as you eat that up!

Here's to a happy and healthy whole nother year! Bless you my friend.


Jaime Haney said...

Oh, are there 40 candles I'm counting here?? :)

join the club cutie ;)

Dolores said...

Diana, it sounds like you had an absolutely wonderful birthday celebration. Congratulations on reaching that milestone and many, many more.

Unknown said...

Thank you Jaime!!!

Thank you Dolores!!!

Saskia said...

Happy birthday!

Wow... your designs are so unique and so lovely!

Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with this beautiful give-away...I can only dream it's me! :)

This OWOH blog trip is great! Thanks!

Sweet greetings from Belgium,
Saskia :)


DoodleDesign said...

Hi Diana.. Have a HaPpY HappY HaPPy Birthday! I'm so happy to have you as my blogger friend from over the seas :).. Well, have fun and may success be yours, always.

Wanda Maria said...

Hello from Springdale, Arkansas! Happy Birthday!!! Such a cool giveaway! Please enter me in your fantastic drawing and be sure to stop by and enter mine as well.

Warmest Regards,

Two Crafty Mules

Homemaker Honey said...

I visited your Etsy shop. My fave item is this:


homemakerhoney @gmail .com

Keshia said...

A very happy birthday to you!

What a great blog you have, very pleased to met you :)


HeARTworks said...

Happy birthday diana! I love angels and anyone would be thrilled to win these! Patsy.paterno (at) gmail.com from

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Happy Birtday Diana! :) You celebrate your birthday at the start of OWOH event and I at the finish on 17th. :) Your guardian looks fabulous! thanks for the chance of winning her. :)

Wilma Simmons (Empress Wu Designs) said...

Hope you had a very happy birthday and enjoy the OWOH event this year. Lovely giveaway too. Hope you might find time to visit me too in Australia www.empresswu.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Hi! What a lovely gift and BIRTHDAY WISHES:).PLEASE COUNT ME IN!

I’m also participating…COME JOIN IN!

Good luck♥

Brenda said...

Happy Birthday. Love your work - hope you have a great day.

Created By You said...

Wishing you a very happy birthday, along with plenty of wonderful memories! I hope you'll stop by and visit my blog for the OWOH 2011 tour as well.. and have a wonderful day!



Juan said...

Happy Birthday Diana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rosie said...

Happy Birthday, Diana.
Hello from Germany. Nice to meet you. I love your door prize so much. Count me in please

Sherry said...

Happy Birthday Diana! Long may the celebrations continue xx

Your illustrations are wonderful. I hope you'll come and visit my giveaways too on my blog.

Sherry from England, UK.

Gayle Page-Robak said...

Hi there, Diana ...so pleased to visit you and your blog is lovely. I am a Canadian Mixed Media and Digital Artist. I hope you will visit my blog as well. Thank you for including me in your wonderful gift draw. I love your art! Hugs, Gayle.

Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Happy Birthday!!!


Unknown said...

Thank you for taking the time to offer this lovely gift and thank you for the opportunity to win!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Diana!
Your work is amazing!
I am soooo crossing my fingers right now! LOL!
I am now one of your followers. I hope you will "Fly On The Wings of OWOH" over to MY BLOG, have a peek at my prize, and maybe even follow me too! :)
It's so nice to "meet" you!
True :D

gpc said...

Happy birthday! What a wonderful way to celebrate!

yoborobo said...

Hi Diana! I am so happy to have met you here. Your blog always makes me smile. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweet girl! Count me in for your giveaway, and come see me! xox Pam

calej said...

Hello Diana!

Oh my how I want a guardian. Your art makes one happy! :)

Hope you can join in my goodie giveaways as well! :)


calejbitsvyk at gmail dot com
calej d'art

Jingle said...

Well, Happy Birthday!!!! Thank you for this wonderful giveaway! Your prints are fantastic! jinglesells at gmail dot com

Tumbleweed Trails said...

Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. Love your work, and your shops are full of many wonderful things. Thanks for your generosity and participation in the event. Count me in please.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Hi Diane! Happy birthday AND Happy OWOH! What a festive double celebration! I'll share that cake with you, definitely. :) Thanks for offering up such a lovely gift. I'd love if you could come visit with me:

Maggi said...

Flying in from One World One Heart! :)

Happy birthday! Your illustrations are so bright and fun, it was great meeting you and your blog today!

You're welcome to visit my OWOH post anytime!

Happy Blog Discovery! :)

Caitlin said...

Your artwork is lovely!

Silke Powers said...

How wonderful Diana!! Wishing you the happiest of brithdays - love that photo of you!! And please count me in on your giveaway!! Love, Silke

Artsnark said...

Happy Birthday! Hope it is a fantastic one!!

You always have such great giveaways :D By the way, I posted about the book projected today for Monday's Muse

Carole Burant said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Diana,
Happy Birthday to youuuuuu!!!!

Just be glad you can't hear me sing, I can't carry a tune even if my life depended on it! lol So lovely to meet a fellow Canadian and I'm loving the prints you are giving away, just gorgeous. Please add my name to your giveaway, I would love to win:-)

Make sure you come over and enter my own giveaway if you haven't done so already!

Hugs, PEA xox

AlwaysInspired said...

I love your prints!
Come visit my blog to see my OWOH giveaway! I'm #50

Karen said...

Happy Happy Birthday..In love with your blog...stunning givaway!
I am now following. I would love for you to come to mine and follow too...love new followers but most of all I love new friends!


linda said...

You art is lovely - wow! Great to check out your blog and visit with other great artists, bloggers and creatives!

Janine said...

Happy birthday my friend,
Hugs and kisses, loads of love, tons of cake and gazillion luckystars for you!!!
Thank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
Thats super sweet as allways.
Please count me in.
Come visit me on my blog,I join the OWOH- event too.
Cheers and happy OWOH ( and of cause birthday- party)

Paper Bagley said...

What a fun way to celebrate...HaPpY BiRthDaY! Your art is wounderful...I had fun checking out you site...come for some coffee in Oregon....Tootsie

Thespa McLaughlin said...

A very Happy Birthday to you.What a great way to celebrate it too! Today is my unbirthday,LOL. Have lots of fun!

Artfully Musing said...

Happy Birthday! I've enjoyed visiting your blog and learning about you. I hope you’ll visit my blog and signup to win my prizes. Laura

josh pincus is crying said...

happy birthday. enjoy.

I vaguely remember 40.

Shawkl said...

What a cute family you have! Happy OWOH! I'll be back for a longer visit! Great blog!

greenest mermaid said...

Happy Birthday!!!
I hope you have a wonderful day! :)
Please feel free to stop by my blog (greenestmermaid.blogspot.com) to check out my door prizes as well :)
Thank you!

Regina said...

Hello from Alabama (waving) What a beautiful door prize. Please enter my name and feel free to stop by my blog and enter mine as well BUT be warned...as I live in a very whimsical world. ^_^

I will be coming back to visit..I really adore your work.

Happy..HAPPY birthday too...now let's have CAKE!!! LOL

Hugs and Happy travels in this amazing OWOH journey,

crafty creations said...

Hi waving from the UK - very nice to meet you - and a Very Happy Birthday to you - beautiful gift you are giving away and I'm sure it will be treasured by the lucky winner - maybe me !!!!

I'm also taking part so please pop over and see me too - my email is on my blog should I win !!!

x Hilda aka Crafty Creations

Mixed Media/ Altered Crafts said...

Count me in your OWOH drawing please! And Happy Birthday! Thanks Tee

Gabriela said...

Happy late birthday!Hello from Ohio!!!It's great meeting you here!What a great blog! Check my blog too !treasuregab@yahoo.com

Jamie Lott said...

Mmmmmm Cake!

Happy Birthday Diana & Happy OWOH.

I've enjoyed my visit. I'm a OWOH participant as well. I hope you'll come by for a visit!

Micki said...

Love your illustrations. I do watercolors and pastels, and love stamping, as I make art journals and tags. Thanks for the chance to win!

DVArtist said...

Of course Happy birthday!!! All these good wishes for you. How wonderful is that? It is nice to meet you.

Mervi said...

Happy Birthday!!!

beautiful doodling,
nice to meet you via OWOH,
greetings from Finland;
lovely gift;-))m

Digital Misfit said...

Happy Birthday Diana!
I hope you have a wonderful day, and then come back and celebrate OWOH with all of the amazing bloggers around the world.
Thank you for participating in this wonderful event.
Hugs from ON, Canada,
Please stop by my blog, #51 on the list, if you get a chance.

Anonymous said...

How lovely! I would love to win it!
Happy birthday!
My birthday is in January too!
Please come to my Blog to win a real crystal ball!
Be well & wish well,

Lori said...

Happy Birthday! I had fun browsing through your blog-- What fun! It was great getting to know a little about you. This my first year participating in OWOH!! I am Enjoying getting to know New friends!

Rebecca said...

I am so happy to be part of OWOH this year. I get to meet wonderful and talented people like you. I appreciate what you say in your "about me". It is important to stay true to ourselves and our art.
I'm from cold and snowy Massachusetts, USA.
I love your work and am now a "follower".
Blessings, Rebecca
Come visit me when you have a chance.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy Birthday to you and thanks for such a lovely gift! Please visit me, too! ♥ http://lavenderdreamstoo.blogspot.com/

Antonella said...

I am so happy to meet you today on the wings of OWOH! Thanks for a chance to win your wonderful giveaway. Your guardians are great - and your blog looks like fun!
Hugs, Antonella :-)
Please stop by for a chance to win my giveaway!

Terri Kahrs said...

Did someone say, "Birthday cake"!?!? Happy, Happy Birthday Diana!!! May your day be filled with laughter and many happy moments!!!

Your OWOH giveaway is awesome!!! Who wouldn't love these sweet angels?!? Perfect!!! BIG Birthday Hugs, Terri xoxox

Rusted Wings said...

sweet blog & lovely offerings!
please come visit my blog #30 on the list...
birthday blessings & warm hugs from Montana!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday
i enjoyed checking out your blog your art is great and i look forward to coming back and checking it out in the future
since this is a get to know you type of event below is a bit about me
I am a fellow blogger I live in Missouri with my husband and 8 cats who i know run the household
I love odd and unusual i do a little bit of everything art wise , I like to work with paper , clay, found objects , most anything really ,I love the challenge of trying something new , I even write poetry on the rare occasion that my mind wonders in that direction
carolyn h

Threads of Inspiration said...

Happy birthday!!!! Thanks for the opportunity to have one of your lovely works!

BumbleBeeLane said...

Hello and Happy Birthday! Count me in on the lovely giveaway.If I should be the lucky winner just leave me a comment on my blog.Warm Blessings!~Amy

Erika said...

Happy Birthday!!

Please visit as I am also participating in OWOH:

Heather said...

Have a FABULOUS birthday!!!! May all of your wishes come true! enjoy your cake, too! xxoo, heather

Dena said...

Hi Diana,

Happy Birthday from a fellow Canadian.
I am seeing more artists from Ontario in the 2011 OWOH event.

all the best, D

SusanLotus said...

You can´t get too many guardian angels in your life! ;)

Happy Birthday!


Gale said...


Your blog is beautiful and I love the guardian. Too pretty and a great idea.

I have enjoyed peeking around in your blog and hope that you find time to come and visit mine.
:) Gale


Fiona (anubis 1 ) said...

Happy Birthday Diana.
Such a great blog you have. I've enjoyed my visit here. Such a wonderful door prize too. Count me in for your draw to win. I'm not listed yet so would be real nice if you could pay me a visit too.



Hugs Fiona.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Happy Birthday Diana!
(I'd sing, but I really want it to be HAPPY.....)
Love your post, heck, love the CAKE! Pop by my blog when you get a chance; slow-poke managed to get a OWOH post up and I'd love to have your name on the list!!!
Have a wonderful day.....


Anonymous said...

Hi Diana,
Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you .... what a gorgeous yummy cake and i so love your picture how sweet.

ohhh you are giving us a chance to win one of your gorgeous gaurdians,i have long been a fan of your beautiful artwork so please can you count me in for a chance to win.
Hugs June x

Mia J. said...

Happy Birthday, Diana! Your prints are beautiful Thanks for the chance to win one.

Cameron said...

Hab pee burday! Sorry, I shouldn't type with my fingers full of birthday cake...heehee!

Great blog....love your work! So much fun stuff to see...I became a Follower so I can spend more time here! It's just so fun and colorful! ...and you make your own clear stamps!! ...um, just a bit jealous here!

Cameron # 83

MarieNeige said...

Please add my name to your draw, I love your door prize; will you visit me at #218?

savyjade said...

I am so happy I found your blog. You are so inspirational.

martinealison said...

Je viens vous souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire... Gros bisous.

Dianne said...

Happy Belated Birthday Diana! Your guardian angels are beautiful. Please enter me in your draw and come to my blog and enter mine.

Mollye said...

Hi Diana, Happy Birthday and what a sweet door prize. Come visit when you can!

Christina Lytle said...

Happy Birthday!! It's great to meet you...

Draffin Bears said...

Wishing you a very happy milestone birthday dear Diana!
Hope that you have the most wonderful year ahead.
The cake looks yummy.

Happy week

Draffin Bears said...

Wishing you a very happy milestone birthday dear Diana!
Hope that you have the most wonderful year ahead.
The cake looks yummy.

Happy week

Sharon House said...

Happy Birthday Diana! Love your artwork... it's gorgeous. I'm in OWOH this year too, so hope you stop by for a visit to my blog in *sunny* (yes, it is shining!) Victoria BC


GlorV1 said...

Hi Diana, happy to meet you. I'm number 96 on the list. Great giveaway and yes please enter me and stop by my blog too. Have a great OWOH event.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Diana! So lovely to meet you and on this your special day aswell! Enjoy celebrating and this incredible flying adventure with OWOH too!
hugs x

MLBetterly said...

Happy Birthday Diana!
It was so nice meeting you! You have a great blog and I really enjoyed my visit! I hope you'll stop by to see me too, if you haven't done so already. mlbetterly.blogspot.com

Gracie "Neky White" said...

Really cute item!! Thank you so much for the chance to win =D and happy birthday!!!

Come to enter my giveaway if you have time



CathyH said...

Happy Birthday and your illustrations are wonderful!
cathyguitarteacher-77 at yahoo dot com

marianne said...

Hope you will have a wonderful day filled with love laughter and cake ;)


Tara... said...

oooh beautiful! Stamps and angels! Please count me in and enjoy OWOH! x

Diane said...

Wishing you a very happy birthday, Diana!I love your giveaway...please count me in & stop by my blog & enter mine if you have a chance. xo Diane

Yvonne said...

Happy 'B' Day, Diane!

Diana S said...

Hi Diana, Happy Birthday !
your Angels are darling. I'll be back to visit.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

So very nice to meet you. I have liked my visit. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!!!!! Please add my name. mikeboisseau@bellsouth.net

Kathy said...

HI Diana, it's so nice to meet you. I swung by your Etsy shop...love it! Your guardian angels are so precious as is all your creative work, what a perfect giveaway thanks so much for the opportunity to win.

I hope you enjoy your travels around the world from blog to blog.

Bright blessings,

Unknown said...

Hi Diana, Please count me in. I love your angels. I'm now off to visit your Etsy store. Kyles =D

Sunshineshelle said...

Feeling a little hungry for birthday cake, wonder why LOL your angels rock so pleased to meet you (I'm Shelle)! please, please come comment at my OWOH post too :) I'm number 120 on the list yey! (oh & please feel free to drop in now and then if you're in the bloggersphere) Now let's keep enjoying this hurly burly wonderful One World One Heart EXTRAVAGANZA :)

Mel♥ said...

Great prize thanks for the chance :D


Marie S said...

Hey there Diana and Cole, greetings from San Diego California.
I hope you both are well and not too cold. I love the gaurdians they are so beautiful, but everything you do is.
What a wonderful blogplace to land on this One World One Heart Journey.
If you have time on your flight come over and see me

Marie S said...

Happy Birthday!!
Blessings all over you!

trisha too said...

Happy Birthday, Diana!

I was so excited when I saw your name on the OWOH list--it's so much fun visiting my imaginary friends!!

That may be how I found the first time around, was through OWOH?? Hmm.

trishatoo at hotmail dot com

Gone said...

It has been such a pleasure learning about you and your art. I'm so happy that you are participating. xololaorange at gmail.

Aimee Jeffries said...

Happy OWOH, nice to meet you! Happy Birthday!

Cheryl said...

Happy Birthday! Greetings from Fresno, California :-)
Please enter me in your drawing for your lovely give-away gift.
~Cheryl over @ Artsy Fartsy

Unknown said...

Hello and Happy Birthday!

I love your illustrations (in fact I love your bee blog background, as I am a beekeeper!) The angel art is most beautiful and I should consider myself lucky to win!

So pleased to meet you!
Please add my name to your contest! And if you have time, please see my OWOH giveaways at http://vagabondcreations.blogspot.com and http://beyondvagabond.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! That is really cool to have the same cake every year and thanks for sharing :) I love your illustrations - they have such a unique look to them. Nice meeting you!

Jona Panesa said...

happy birthday Diana!!! what a lovely event to celebrate with us! Happy Owoh too!

Holly said...

Happy Birthday! You have a wonderful blog and a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

Mimi said...

I love your style, especially the bumble bees!

hoerauf at comcast dot net


Happy birthday to you! what a nice way to celebrate by telling the world! Such wonderful give aways! Hope you will sign on for mine too!

Kristin Dudish said...

Happy Birthday Diana!
I love your Guardians... how excellent to possibly win one :)
p.s. I am craving cake now!

Jennie said...

Happy Birthday! Surely you saved some cake for all of us!

Great to meet you and I hope you have a wonderful celebration.

Best wishes,

azviatx said...

Wow Diana, that is one tightly packed etsy shop you have! There is so much to see. I love your wooden spool dolls. You are very creative and obviously busy, like a Queen Bee! I love your Angel Guardians and hope I am lucky enough to win your giveaway. Thanks so much for offering such wondrful gifties. Tina

CreativSpirit said...

Happy Birthday Diana, have a wonderful day.

I would love to be entered in the draw for for your lovely angels.
Please come by #9 on the list and enter into my draw too.


Jenny said...

Happy Birthday Diana... hope you have an amazing day :)))

Love your artwork... sweet sweet angels... what a beautiful giveaway...

Lovely to say hello from Australia...
Jenny x

peggy aplSEEDS said...

happy birthday, Diana! i love what you wrote in your ABOUT ME section. thanks for the chance to win your giveaway! i hope you can come and visit me too! happy OWOH blog hopping!

artbeckons said...

Isn't this fun? I just love OWOH! Thank you for participating... please count me in for your terrific giveaway. If you get a chance, I hope you'll visit me too.

Beckie =)
artbeckons at hotmail dot com

OWOH #119 http://artbeckons.blogspot.com
OWOH #132 http://papertraders-art.blogspot.com/search/label/Home

SpiritMama said...

Happy birthday to you!

Stop by for a chance to win on my blog too:
#28 OWOH

Waxela (wa-shay-la)
aka SpiritMama

Deirdra Doan said...

It is my Birthday too..I am number 35.

Susan said...

Happy Birthday! My blogoversary is this week, it is all so very cool! I love OWOH, and will miss it. Your guardians are adorable, thanks for including me and please come visit :)

Beeshebags said...

Happy Birthday Diana....hope you enjoyed your cake....how lucky to have had the same baker bake it since you were a small girl. Hugs Naomi

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

How impressive and what talent you have. I'm # 11, and would love to have you stop by if you haven't already.

Artseyanne said...

Love your work! Please feel free to call on me at #100 when you have a minute.

Vicki Smith said...

Happy Birthday, Diana!!

Monique Kleinhans said...

I just love your work Diana...and I just don't get over to your blog enough. I must change that, as seeing your work always makes me happy! Oh yes and speaking of happy... Happy Birthday!!! So glad that you're celebrating with us!



Debbi said...

Happy Birthday, Diana! Thank you for the chance to win your lovely prints, and maybe even some stamps!

I hope you will stop by my giveaway. I'm #419.

hockman1 at sbcglobal dot net

she dreams big! said...

What a great way to spend your birthday! All these people to send you good wishes! You are an amazing artist!

Happy Birthday!

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

Hi ,
Hope you have a great day,Your things are so fun Laura

Carmen said...

Belated Happy Birthday :) How cool to have the same cake every year for so many years - talk about a nostalgia kick :)

Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway - Please feel free to drop by my OWOH post :)
OWOH #365

Unknown said...

A belated Birthday wish for you Diana...I love your blog, and your giveaway for OWOH as well...plz add my name to it too!!
Come visit me at

bevie2u (at) wildblue (dot) net

Lotus said...

Please add me to your drawing! Found your blog thru OWOH and I'm now a follower! ; )

Tami said...

Such wonderful art. Thanks for inviting us over alyssasmom98@aol.com I am just starting to draw and really admire your work

sassypackrat said...

Happy Birthday! I love your prints! I've bookmarked your blog to come back at my leisure and explore. ;0)

Stephanie said...

I adore your work! You are very talented!

I would be honored to win. Please enter me in your drawing.


I invite you to stop by my blog and enter my drawing:

Take Care,

Northern California

Anonymous said...

Hello! Love the prints...you are very talented! So nice to meet you and Happy Birthday! Michelle of HippieDog #15

Anonymous said...

Hello! Love the prints...you are very talented! So nice to meet you and Happy Birthday! Michelle of HippieDog #15

B @ Sweet Limes said...

What a darling angel.


flyingbeader said...

Happy Belated Birthday to you. Love your work & would be thrilled with a piece of your art.


stampgram said...

Greetings from Cody, Wyoming! Isn't this event fun? Happy Birthday!!! I too had a birthday this past week and this event is a great way to celebrate! I love your blog - it is wonderful! Your angel painting is awesome! Please enter me in your drawing. If you have a moment stop by and enter my giveaways too.
# 385 http://stampgram.blogspot.com
# 132 http://papertraders-art.blogspot.com/search/label/Home

BluMoon said...

Hi Diana, I enjoyed reading about you thank you for sharing, please add me to your list, come and visit me if you can I am 250 on the list.

Genie said...

Belated Birthday wishes Diana.
love your guardian angels

Nanbon44 said...

Happy Birthday, I know what you mean about that special cake, mine is a chocolate cake from the german bakery in Indianapolis... I haven't been there in years and I so miss that cake...
Please enter my name in your lovely giveaway-
Bonnie in Florida
Blogs #566 and #567 USA

Itaya Art said...

Thanks for the opportunity to participate! You are very generous in sharing your lovely creations. :)


Marfi-topia said...

happy birthday.
what a wonderful prize!

Kristin said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!! I hope the cake was wonderful and thank you for the chance to win one of your beautiful pieces, xoxoxo (#73)

WrightStuff said...

Happy Birthday for yesterday Diana. Always a pleasure to see your creations and read your posts. Fingers crossed I might win myself one of your prints!

Kim Mailhot said...

Happy Birthday and happy OWOH, Diana !
You are a bright and upbeat person and it has been a pleasure looking around your blog today. Thanks so much for the chance to win your lovely treasures. Enjoy the OWOH ride !

Carrieann said...

Happy birthday Diana! Just love your work!

Hope you're having as much fun on our OWOH trip as I am! Come visit me...(#135) giving away a beautiful bottle of organic bath salts.

Bright blessings from Vegas,


Gillian .... said...

Hey Diana, good to see you on OWOH, Happy Birthday to you :)Of course I want to be in with a chance of winning your OWOH giveaway, if you can please stop by mine. Greetings from Bonnie Scotland x

Karen Kay said...

Nice to meet you and Happy Birthday. I have enjoyed visiting your blog. Stop by sometime soon and say hello.
art4girls at yahoo dot com

LauraO said...

Happy Birthday! Nice to meet you - your giveaway items are lovely! Please add me to the drawing.

Anonymous said...

Love your angel print! Happy Birthday too :)

Boom said...

What a cute man that is on the side of you blog. I think Cole is a cutie. Thanks for sharing your blog. Of course, when I come back I will be a Canadian...love it. Boom in KS USA

Tammie Lee said...

Even though I am late, I wish you a wonderful new year Diana! May your year be full of days that feel wonderful to you !!! Happy Birthday.

And thank you for a chance to win your wonderful art!!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

First I want to say Happy Birthday and then I want to say thank you for participating in this years event.
Reading your intro I am sparked...I dream of illustrating children's books (as well as write them) Where does one begin? I clicked on the illustration logo you had and read about the book, is this something you created or at least been a part of? Would love to pick your brain sometime if you wouldn't mind emailing me.
In the meantime your work is fabulous!
I hope you are having fun meeting lots of new folks.
creator/host OWOH

Keisha said...

Hello from Navada! I love your giveaway! Please count me in! Thank you!

Just Jenn Designz said...

Happy belated birthday Diana, it's so nice to meet you. Your artwork is beautiful. Another very talented artist on this OWOH adventure.

Please stop by my blog on your travels around, I would love to see you there. I am #78 on the OWOH event list.

Marie said...

Your handpainted work is amazing! Love the angel.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
OWOH giveaway

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh oh oh Diana she is beautiful..please add me to your hat and come on by and add your name to mine!! Sarah

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Happy Birthday Diane! Visiting from NY State! Happy OWOH! The angel is so pretty & I'd love a chance to win. I hope you have a chance to stop by my blog & enter my giveaway, too! #331

Rika said...

Happy balated birthday!

your work is wonderful1

Electra said...

Both your blog and your sweet guardians are lovely. Hello from Canada.
I'd love to have you stop by-


apinkdreamer said...

hi!!! wonderful owoh post and givaway!
visit my owoh post too!!!


Nic said...

Happy Days Diana! Love your guardians! Make sure you stop by me too- #517!

Emily R. said...

Beautiful Art!!!

HarajukuGirl92 [at]gmail.com

Here's my blog, Not much YET! http://southerngypsywannabe.blogspot.com

carylsrealm said...

Happy Birthday! Would love to be included! Caryl #270

Unknown said...

Hi Diana!! Happy belated Birthday!:o) Hope it was fun..birthday cake is my fave! Please enter me to win your fabulous guardian! And, please visit me at #319
sending some smiles...:o)

Sylvia Smiser said...

Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday Dianaaaa! Happy Birthday to you!!! And Many MOOOORE!!!

mitz said...

...ohhhhh happy day to you !! and lets hope you make it a happy day for me too, if i become lucky in your give-a-way. Thanks for the

Danielle said...

Happy birthday!!!

Donna said...

Happy Birthday! Such a lovely blog and a fun giveaway. I look forward to this event each year. Please enter me and thank you!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is so lovely! I really like your design style. Please include me in your drawing. I'm a jewelry artist from Colorado and No. 696 on the blog roll. Please visit if you have time! Peace~Debi


jacque4u2c said...

Greetings from Louisville, KY - USA
Nice to meet you and visit your blog.
Winning your give away would be awesome!
Thanks for including me in your drawing..Come visit me, I am playing too.


Michelle said...

Happy Birthday! What a great story you shared about your cake and the same bakery for all these years. Lovely giveaway. Please count me in. ~Michelle, OWOH participant #598

C. Sage Deerborn said...

Hope your birthday was grand. It is great that you get to work at a job you love so much. Love your illustrations. You can reach me by clicking on my name and going to my profile. There you will find a email link.

Gen said...

This is a lovely giveaway! fernandez.gen@gmail.com

Please visit my page too:

Liv said...

Happy belated birthday, Diana!
I remember coming across your blog at last year's OWOH event...and I fell in love with your Cupcake Dolls. I still want to buy one - but I haven't got any money at the moment, so I have to be content with visiting your Etsy store and looking at pictures! :)
Can you please enter my name in the drawing for one of your giveaways? Thank you very much!!
You're more than welcome to visit my blog, where I'm also having a OWOH giveaway! I'm number 591...

--Liv from Australia--

gloomy_liv AT yahoo DOT com DOT au

Michael said...

First off, Happy Belated Birthday, Diana! you are bessed indeed to be surrounded by so much love.

Your ilustration with the balloon makes me smile deeply just looking at it, and I LOVED LOVED learning more about you adn your art. Waht an inspiration! Way to go! I;d like to get more into selling my stuff too but jsut don;t seem to be abelt o figure it all out how to do that exacty. Looks like it would take alot of time adn commitment but how fun to do it full time! :)

Michael said...

Oh, i was amiss to mention the angel art of yours. LOL. My daughter would love that.

Kim Dellow said...

Happy birthday Diana! What a fab way to celebrate! Lovely girls! Have a good OWOH. Kim (no.724)

Bquiltin said...

Love the site and wee little girl photo. Wonderful visiting, lovely gift. Take good care of yourself....

Anonymous said...

Hi Diana,
thank you for sharing your art with us. It was nice wandering around your blog and I hope to return once my flight from this world tour lands.
I would love to be entered in your door prize giveaway and hope you can get over to say Hi at my blog, #409.
Hugs from snowy New Hampshire,
Beth P

Wendy said...

Hello and it is a wonderful thing to get to meet you. I am so excited to have the chance to win such a wonderful door prize. Happy OWOH, and during your travels through Blogland, I would love to have you for a visit.
Wishes and Whimsy
Wendy from Wonderland


Her Art Nest said...

Very inspiring and soothing colors on your artwork. I would be honored to be included in your door prize drawing! Best wishes, Nan

Susan said...

Wonderful Painting! please enter me into your drawing. Susan

come visit my blog for a chance to win my OWOH offering.

VintageCrafter said...

Happy birthday! Great giveaway too. Please count me in:)

Pixiewinkle said...

Lovely guardians! Please count me in. Enjoy your flight. Patricia OWOH #498

Shannon Chomanczuk said...

Happy Birthday Diana! What a wonderful door prize!!!
formysweetdaughter at hotmail.com

JennaLouiseCreates said...

Please enter me in your giveaway...the drawings are so lovely, you are so talented! Stop over to mine when you can:) Thank you!

Janet said...

Happy birthday Diana. My birthday is on February 8th so if you're still celebrating then, think of me when eating your next piece of cake. I'm a fellow Canadian. I live in the Yukon. Love your work.

fortuitous faery said...

what a delightful creation to be won!

belated happy birthday! remember, age is just a number! stay creative and inspired!

greetings from frigid new jersey!

OWOH #528

Teri said...

Happy Birthday from Michigan! Your angels are so sweet! Thanks for the giveaway!
Come visit me at
Thanks Teri abella4@att.net

CAW said...

Hello to a fellow Ontarian. Your work is wonderful. I'm glad to have found you. Happy Birthday.

Brenda Hutchings said...

Diana, I loved your words of advice, not to mention your work. Welcome to the 40's they are FANTASTIC!
Smiles, Brenda #701

...Darlene said...

Happy Birthday to you!!
I love your art and would love to have a guardian angel of my own. So please enter me into your gift giveaway.

Marilyn said...

Love your blog! Your little boy is so precious. Please enter me in your drawing and do come visit me too.


Love it! ¯\(°‿o)/¯

Jamie Cox said...

Hi, just hopping by on the OWOH blog tour! What a great event. Thanks for offering such a wonderful prize. Stop by my blog when you get a chance. http://scrapping2it.blogspot.com , I'm #411


The Constant Complainer said...

Happy Birthday! And in honor of the Super Bowl tomorrow, I hope to see some Packers vs. Steelers designs on here!

Have a great weekend!

Lolly said...

Happy Birthday! Your work is great! Nice to *meet* you. I'm off to check out the rest of your blog! Keeping my fingers crossed here in cold Virginia!


Unknown said...

What a great way to celebrate your birthday. I can say with assurity that I am finding the 40's better than the 30's, which were better than the 20's and I am so glad I never have to be a teen again!
Your blog looks great and I love you work.
Do pop over and say hi on my blog if you wish, you will be very welcome.

Lisa W. said...

Please enter my name. Love your giveaway! Visit me #597

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