Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Blooms - Some relaxing Sunday Sketches.....


spring 2

I am off to a late start this morning....we were at a surprise Birthday party for my sweet friend Mary and ended up enjoying the food and drinks a little too much....hence the late start to my Sunday Morning.....nothing a few tylenols and a few lattes can't fix so here are some of my late morning Sunday sketches all about Spring and the blooms I am longing to see.....

I also used one of these blooms to create this fun surface design....hope you all have a wonderful Sunday filled with family, friends and creativity!!!

Happy Creating!!!!


Melisa said...

Such cheerful sketches! The pink floral would make awesome wallpaper or fabric.

Unknown said...

Thanks Melisa...I love using pieces in surface designs!!!!

Debbie said...

I love the pink, so spring like! Nice sketches! xoxo

Unknown said...

Thanks Debbie!!! I love pink blooms in the Spring!!!

Deanna said...

Cute little flowers and lady bug. Love the colors you used for the surface design. I too am longing for the first blooms to appear.

Happy Sunday!

Unknown said...

Thank you Deanna!!! can't wait to see all the colour in Spring and enjoy the blooms!!!

Heather said...

I like your post...lattes make everything better! hee! Such beautiful blooms too...I am so raedy to get some color around here! enjoy your sunday, diana! xo

Tammie Lee said...

lovely spring sketches indeed!
so glad a few tylenols and lattes will do the trick~

martinealison said...

Très belle farandole de fleurs... Ici nous profitons d'un dimanche très ensoleillé qui devrait se prolonger tout au long de cette semaine...
Gros bisous

Jenn Bower said...

Hi Diana,
I love your blog and this week's SS. Your pattern design is fabulous. I love the sophisticate colors. They made a vintage motif feel modern. Thanks so much for your lovely comments on today's post. I appreciate you stopping by and the encouraging words.

Teri said...

I always love to see the before and after and yours is always perfect!

Julia Christie said...

Hi Diana!

LOVE LOVE LOVE these flowers, the swirls, the pink, just everything! So glad you shared them with us!

Hope you are doing well and have a great week!


Sinderella's Studio said...

wow - do you use paint or markers??? It is beautiful! You asked about the Paint Party Friday - button is on my sidebar, this was the kick-off and it was great - do check it out!
Thanks for your kind comments!
cheers, dana

Marlene said...

The flowers are pretty but I really love the little lady bug. Happy Sunday.

EVA said...

Very very pretty Diana!

I guess we are all longing for Spring!

Heather Foust said...

Ohhhhhh so pretty!!! Very Springy!!

Crystal said...

Has me thinking spring...such lovely motifs! :-)

joanna said...

Very Springy Diana!! just gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Fantastic design... love this.. yey spring is finally here...

WrightStuff said...

I fancy a coffee myself now having read that! They are building a drive through Starbucks just down the road from me... not open yet though!!
Lovely spring blooms. I don't know what it's like in your neck of the woods but in the past few days blossom has been bursting out everywhere here! Bliss :)

Morph Waffle said...

How pretty, love the colored one, splendid work!

Christine said...

oh this is lovely, nice design. Such a treat to see it coloured in.

Lenora said...

Lovely colour! Early spring! Cant wait - cold here! Then again will miss teh skiing :-)

Jehanne's doodles said...

What fantastic flowers!!!!They are really super.

Kristin Dudish said...

Such beautiful flowers - I love the pink & golden brown color combo... wonderful line work too!


Cameron said...

These are wonderful! I'd love clear stamps in these...wouldn't that be cute?!

SaraLynnArt said...

How lovely! There are few things that I love more than a good floral pattern.

Hannah said...

Beautiful design, so intricate :)

Juan said...

Beautiful stuff Diana!!

Janine said...

Your illustrations are lovely and your flowers are wonderfull. I know you published several books but did you ever do a colouring book?
Have a great day

Reflections said...

What fun flowing energy springs from your flowers. Love the pink shades on the colored version of the flower.

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