Sunday, March 27, 2011

I just can't stop!!!!!!!!!! Addicted to this vintage Dictionary series

!940s Dictionary bird 2
I have been having so much fun with each new vintage dictionary many words to inspire and who knew that a dictionary could be so much fun...I created these two new for the word bird and one for the word poppy.....I have a whole 593 pages to go this should be a fun project to see come to life....

I also thank all of the sweet people that have commented on my past pieces and left me some words for inspiration of new pieces....I am working away on the ideas you left and will have more to post each and every day...

Happy Creating and Thank you for popping by!

!940s Dictionary poppies

!940s Dictionary bird
These are my Sunday Sketches....and finished pieces....

the 1940s Dictionary Series.....

1. Fashion - a piece inspired by Fashion week 2011
2. Doll - a piece for If's theme "toy"


WrightStuff said...

There's something very cheerful about these. I'm listening to sunny music too. Thanks for your well wishes - hope your ill feeling is short lived!

Marlene said...

These are wonderful, I can see them all framed and hung together gallery style in a child's room.

martinealison said...

Je ne suis pas étonnée de votre non renoncement et comprends votre addiction... magnifiques les coquelicots...
Ce serait génial de le faire aussi avec des pages de dictionnaire français!
Gros bisous

EVA said...

Wow - what an intriguing project! Do you cut out the pages or are you doing these in the actually dictionary?

I absolutely love it! And what you learn when working - amazing!

Beautiful bird and poppy!

Unknown said...

Thank you Lisa....I am really enjoying these vintage pages for my backgrounds....

Thank you Marlene....I am thrilled you think they would make some nice art in a child's room...

Thank you Martine....please find me a vintage french dictionary!!!!

Thank you Eva!!! I am having a blast with this project!!!!

Reflections said...

I love how you are recreating something old into something fabulously new. Great pieces.

Unknown said...

thank you Reflections!!!

Kristin Dudish said...

This is such a cool project... I loooove paintings and drawings on vintage pages (and yours look fabulous)!


Unknown said...

Thank you Kristin!!! I have a lot of pages to go...but this is so much fun when you need a little break from projects!!!

Christine said...

this is a neat project, very vintage look to it, nice.

Cameron said...

I did a series of watercolors on book pages too, where I circled words to make a're absolutely right...they are very addicting!!!!

I love what you did with dictionary words....having the whole collection would be like owning the coolest, best-ever illustrated dictionary there ever was...haha!

The poppies are my favorite right now :D

Teri said...

What a neat idea Dianna. I love the whole concept.

Michaele Razi said...

Don't stop! These are wonderful! There so cool and I love looking at them!

Unknown said...

Thanks merging the old with my new.....

Thanks Teri!!!!! This will be on-going!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks Michaele.......I will keep working on this series!

Crystal said...

This is really way too cool for words! I love the vintage dictionary pages! :-)

Heather said...

ooooh - I love these! How fun! I recently used a vintagge dictionary for artwork in my children's illustration's so fun . your poppies are AWESOME! Love the whole concept, here. Can't wait to see more diana!
Hope your Sunday is good and you are enjoying a Latte or two!

Melisa said...

Lovely! Are these digital? I'll have to see if I can find the previous ones, as I don't think I've seen them yet.

Nani-chan said...

it's so original!! i love it!

Debbie said...

This is a cool idea! I hope you will show us more when you complete them.

Tammie Lee said...

they are both wonderful and so creative of you.

TiLT said...

They are great! I can see why you are having so much fun :)

GalleryJuana said...

These are lovely. The bird one (first pic) is my favorite.

Jehanne's doodles said...

oh these are wonderful. I really like how the words are still coming through the illustrations.

m7 said...


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