Monday, March 14, 2011

Meet Mr. Funny Bunny....he is all packed and ready for a delivery!

dressed up and ready to deliver 600

dressed up and ready to deliver 3

I just had to show you this nod to a vintage bunny....I created this mini watercolour and ink and he is just too I named him ...Mr. Funny Bunny....and he is always on time!!!!

I am busy working on some custom creating these mini paintings is all I have time for....

Happy Creating Everyone!!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Oh, but Mr. Funny Bunny is SOOOOOOO CUTE!!! He could hop right by here and be very happy!
I love the old Easter images; they were so much more charming than the modern work,and the colors were amazing.
Great job!


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

How cute and dapper your Mr Funny Bunny is! love him.
Have a beautiful week.


Unknown said...

Thank you Anne!!!! you are so sweet!!!

Thank you Carolyn!!! wishing you a wonderful week too!!!!

martinealison said...

Le pauvre Bunny il en a du travail en ce moment pour que nous ayons tous un oeuf dans le jardin prochainement...
Très joli dessin...

Unknown said...

Thank you Martine!!!!

Terri Kahrs said...

Diana, he's absolutely adorable!!! I'd LOVE for him to hop over to my backyard!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Juan said...

Mr Funny Bunny is a wonderful character!
Great work, Diana!

Ann Pilicer said...

Oh mr. Funny Bunny is Fabulous!!! reminds me of the old antique postcard designs that I just adore! Great illo and wonderful color! :D

Lisa M Griffin said...

I am so enjoying your series of bunnies. TFS, Lisa

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