Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Sketches...turned to watercolour bunnies....with a nod to the old days


I was all in the mood for Spring to I decided to draw some cute little bunnies...and watercolour them....when I finally look out the window this morning and the rain lastnight turned to snow!!!

bunnies 018

I am sure Spring will be just around the here is some inspiration for Spring to come soon!!!  These bunnies were inspired by some old vintage Easter postcards....I hope you love these....I will add the original mini paintings to my Etsy Shop soon......

bunnies 006

bunnies 010


Deanna said...

I do love the bunnies! We had snow last night too. I'm so ready for Spring and these little bunnies have brightened my day!

Unknown said...

you and me both Deanna!!! can't wait for Spring and the blooms it brings!!!

m7 said...

aw these are LOVELY!

Heather said...

so sweet. i love the vintage style here, and i so love your watercolors. cute bunny and chickee - Yes, it s raining here, and snow though. hope you enjoy the last of winter! Have a great sunday, Diana!!!! xo

Unknown said...

Thank you M7 !!!!

and Thank you Heather!!! I can't wait to see my first tulip in Spring!!!

I have had it with winter!!! lol

Kristin Aquariann said...

Sweet bunny paintings! Except now I'm craving Cadbury eggs. 0.o

lissa said...

I like all the bunnies especially the one with the chicken. have a great sunday!

Unknown said...

Love these watercolours, cute bunny and chick... fantastic sunshine here, windy today but the last two days, t-shirt weather in the sun...pls don't hate me...

Unknown said...

Thanks Aqua!!! Yummy cadbury eggs!!!! Me too please!

Thanks IIssa!!!!!! I like the cute chicken one too.....

Unknown said...

Catherine!!!!!! I wish we had t-shirt weather!!!!!!!!!lucky you!!!!!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

Love your sweet vintage style bunny and chicken watercolours.
Hope that Spring comes to your place soon.

Happy week

Julia Christie said...

Ok I LOVE These Diana! Can't say enough how cute these are and I love this soft style too! You should do more of this style - it's wonderful!

You give me hope for spring...


Unknown said...

Oh thank you Carolyn!!!! I am so looking forward to tulips and birds chirping!!!!! Can't wait!!!!

Heather Foust said...

These are lovely! I love Bunnie Rabbits!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Oh I do LOVE them!!!
But I think the bunny with the chicken wagon, heehee, that one is quite special!
We had the same yesterday; rain then ice pellets, then snow.
I just would like a gentle Spring, for a change...


WrightStuff said...

OOh there is Spring everyone today and I am totally loving it!

I'm also really rather partical to bunnies - so cute and cuddly.

Unknown said...

Oh lucky you Lisa!!!!! Spring is such a wonderful season!!!!!

Morph Waffle said...

Oh how cute, love all three! Also lovin the new look of your blog!

Michelle said...

The last one with the chicken is my favorite!!

Sinderella's Studio said...

So ready for the little bunnies too. Awesome.

Christine said...

oh someone's getting ready for Easter! Love your bunnies.

Terri Kahrs said...

Your cheerful little bunnies just brought a nice happy ray of sunshine to a very rainy day, Diana! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Marlene said...

Love them Diana, and they are very Spring inspiring. It was sunny here today but there were still clumps of snow on the sides of the road.

Marlene said...

I love the bunnies they are adorable.

Lenora said...

Love your retro style here! Easter already - i guess it is!

martinealison said...

J'adore vos beaux dessins et tout particulièrement ce dernier avec la petite charrette...
Gros bisous

Hannah said...

These are wonderful! I love them, especially the pretty bunny:) I like your style and look forward to exploring the rest of your blog.

Reflections said...

Love the bunnies... such a playful post.

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