Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday Sketches....some black cats vintage style....

cat sketch process

August 30th 2011 011

Hi Everyone....Happy are some of my fun Black Cat Vintage inspired sketches...I had so much fun working on this whole I hope it's not too early for you to enjoy these....To see more sketches head to Sophia's Sunday Sketches....and check out all the cool links of creative friends......

Wishing you all a wonderful long weekend!!!!

Happy Creating Everyone...



Christine said...

thanks for showing the steps, very cute and vintage.

Unknown said...

Thanks Christine! I am enjoying my Vintage Halloween Collection this year.....

m7 said...

can i just say...i love it!! i want that finished thing! :D

Morph Waffle said...

Cute, looks great on those ribbons!

WrightStuff said...

Love those crazy grins.

Anonymous said...

So cute! I like how you've shared the coloring process as well. It's fun to see the progress of artwork.

Sinderella's Studio said...

nothing like halloween for inspiration. meow!!!!

Heather said...

great colors! I love how it looks on the purple ribbons, too! have a great week!

Manon said...

They're awesome!!! Your work always makes me happy!! : )))

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