Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I felt like Monkey'n around today.....

sock monkey doll

Hi Everyone....I love love love sock monkeys....and I have created all sorts of art based around these sweet little sock friends...so today I am showing you my latest sock monkey piece....these are designs that I will be turning into paper dolls ....so be sure to pop back tomorrow so you can see these guys jump off the page and come to life....

Have you ever had a sock monkey or made one.....?
I think every kid ( and adult) should have a sock monkey friend....they are so cute and super easy to make....


Anonymous said...

they are perfect!

ArtistUnplugged said...

Love sock monkies too!!!! Looks like you jumped into it with both feet :-). Too cute!

Christine said...

so cute!

Robin Panzer Art said...

I thought of you today when I was at the store and they just happened to have 3 foot tall SOCK MONKEYS!

Deborah said...

Oh Diana, how I have missed you! **sigh** Sock Monkeys!!! I am making a sock monkey costume for Baby Ehren for Halloween! Brilliant minds think alike, teehee! **lovelovelove** Deb

martinealison said...

Ma chère Diana, je viendrai bien jouer au singe avec toi...
Ils sont vraiment adorables tes petits singes articulés...
Gros bisous

Heather said...

they are wonderful! the kids love sock monkeys! i will have to show them these! have a great day

Cathy Bueti said...

Oh my goodness Diana, these are so cute! :)

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