Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sunday Sketches....Thinking of Valentine's Day....I know ...early....

I know it is early for Cherubs and Angels...and hearts....but sometimes you have to draw what comes to mind....and these were in my head today! I think getting some ink this morning in the shape of a heart was the inspiration!!!


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Unknown said...

I think that Angels and hearts is suitable any time of the years, these are adorable. Enjoy your Sunday!

Christine said...

Adorable cherubs, happy SS!

Kays Kids said...

Valentines day will come soon enough. I can't believe another year is nearly closing.

GalleryJuana said...

it's never too early for cherubs! well done!

Kristin Aquariann said...

Lovely illustration! I, too, am thinking about Valentine's Day already. ;D

♥ aquariann
Art Update: Lady Bug Drawing

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