Sunday, December 15, 2013

Made you all a cute little recipe card!!! Gingerbread cookies!!!! Sunday Sketches....

Hi Everyone....sharing my recipe card for Gingerbread cookies...using some of my sweet Sketches to add some fun to it!!! hope you love it...just click to enlarge and then you can save it!!!
I love Holiday Traditions.....and I love baking yummy treats for our Family and Friends...

Happy Sunday Sketches Everyone and Happy Creating....

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Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

These are adorable...
'just made cookies earlier...IT's a sure way to get in the Christmas Spirit!
THX for sharing the recipe, too.

Lisabella Russo said...

Your sketches are darling and I love your cookies! So sweet and cute!

stefanie stark said...

The cookies look fantastic! You did such a great job!

GalleryJuana said...

sweet recipe card and thanks for sharing the cookie recipe. Love the little gingerbread man hanging from the top right! visiting from sunday sketches.

Manon said...

OMG.... they look so good!! xo

Kokopelli said...

Yum! I made mine with almonds and chocolate.

Anne Manda said...

Cute card! I want those awesome cookies! :)

Lisa M Griffin said...

What a charming recipe card! Love it! Thanks for sharing, I will have to try out your recipe with the kids. :)

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