Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We always know Spring is here when this lady comes to visit.....

Every year we get some visits from our special Robin and this year she decided to use our umbrella tree in the front garden outside our formal dining room window...I was so excited to see her setting up her nest and notice that she is there every morning...watching us and I love seeing her too....I took the photo of her through our window and then went outside when she left the nest to take a shot of her three eggs...the colour is amazing!!!

Cole is so thrilled to be expecting her little so cute!!! we are doing some art now and painting some nests with eggs....

Have a wonderful day!!!


Diane said...

GREAT photos, Diana!! I hope you'll be able to get pics of the new arrivals!

Marie S said...

Oh how wonderful. Nature really is the best teacher isn't she!
How fun that you and Cole are celebrating this magnificence with your art!!
Have a wonderful day.
Love and hugs from both of us to both of you.

yoborobo said...

Wow, Diana! Those photos are fabulous. And how BLUE those eggs are. I bet Cole is very excited. :) xox Pam

Debby said...

Sweet!!! Gorgeous pics.

Deborah said...

Fabulous shots, Diana! Aren't those eggs just the perfect shade of blue. Considerate of her to make her nest by your window! **kisses** Deb

Archie and Melissa said...

oh how beautiful diana!
what beautiful photos!
what a fun day you are having!

Janine said...

Oh how lovely that blue eggs are.
Great photos and I love your eiffel- tower- piece.
You made a lot of great things the last time. I love your earing- frame too.
Have a great day

Terri Kahrs said...

OMG! The egg color is fabulous, and so are your pictures! It'll be fun watching the eggs waiting for the new babies to arrive. Hugs, Terri xoxo

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Either the lens on that wonderful camera is strong or you are really good friends with this robin I love it. The little eggs look so beautiful. What a wonderful color blue. You have truly captured a moment Diana! This is awesome! You have taken spring to a whole other level with this bit of beauty!!! Thanks so much for you encouraging words. I send you a great big hug! V

Ozstuff said...

Exquisite photos. I am in awe at the clarity and the fact that you were able to include those beautiful blue eggs.
(PS - the only blue eggs I have ever seen are emu's eggs. They are huge - an emu being a similar size to ostriches. The shell is so tough that artists carve and paint them.)

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