Friday, April 23, 2010

Illustration Friday - Ahead

I can come up with some really silly ideas...but from now on....only bright ideas ahead for me....

Happy Friday!!!


Artsnark said...

fun spin on the prompt

Art by Darla Kay said...


Silke Powers said...

Too fun! And beautiful!! The "only bright ideas" idea never seems to work for me... Hugs, Silke

June said...

Lol love this Diana, you are so clever
hugs June xxx

Unknown said...

oh you have some great ideas Silke and they are fabulous!!!

Unknown said...

thank you everyone...

Unknown said...

Thank you June!!! you are so sweet!!!

Lins Artyblobs said...

Very bright idea

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

this is fun and wonderful. You are so clever

krisztina maros said...

very clever! :) i love the pattern in the bg as well!

Dear Fireflies said...

Is this you, Diana?? (^_^) Well, ideas are tricky little things, aren't they? Once they're in your head they'll scream to come out!! Heeheheee...


wonderfully fun :)

Ces Adorio said...

NOOOOOOOO! Don't stop the silly ideas. Sometimes the silly ideas turn out to be bright ideas that are a lot of fun!

Unknown said...

maybe yours CES!!! I have some really really silly

Ces Adorio said...

Like what, for example? I want to see what your F-POT is brewing. I bet it is a fun idea. I used to have a lot of silly ideas, then I grew old and I am no fun anymore.

Teri said...

Great interpretation Diana! And beautiful.

Unknown said...

hahahahaah....I am brewing so much it is like what Deborah always says...a confetti explosion in my head...hehehehe.....and what are you talking are by no means old and are an even more amazing outside the box thinker than any of us!!! seriously!!!!

Unknown said...

THank you Teri!!! I thought it was a bit of a silly idea....but it is what I need more focus on...bright business ideas....

valerie walsh said...

hahhaha, you are so funny and cute! i love your style, you dress with panache, you are a gem, you make me laugh :D

Anonymous said...

Very nice!! Ideas are what light our way, silly or serious.

Heather said...

Very clever! I love the blonde hair!

MrBibleHead said...

looks just like you Diana! Your style is so cool. Love your "bright" idea for this weeks prompt... but please don't deny us the silly ideas :o( Beautiful piece as usual!

. justin segal said...

those triplets are a bit ... alarming! But they're completely in sync, and that's a good thing. Love the background texture!

erin said...

silly ideas are my only bright ideas! very fun!

Cynthia DiBlasi - Fine Art said...

Hey busy lady! I love this one! I just had to take a minute to pop by and say hi to you and see the beautiful art you have been creating. Wonderful stuff! Thanks again for the birthday wishes. :)

thefridayfrog said...

ahhh thank you, d! really needed a positively positive thing to think about today to inspire! she's just great! ")

Bella Sinclair said...

Oooooh! Love this! Three times the bright ideas. Can't beat that! You are always brimming with creativity over here. Have a super duper weekend!

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