Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday Sketches and my final piece for Mixed Media Monday....theme....I feel pretty

Sunday Sketches is hosted by Sophia at Blue Chair Diary and I thought it would be fun to work on something for the theme over at Mixed Media Monday... the theme this week is "I feel Pretty" and even though we may all have our own little flaws they are the things that make us unique....and pretty in our own feel pretty!!!!

I took my Sunday sketch and show my steps from rough to colour....

Thanks for popping in!!!


Susan said...

Hi Diana, great to have you along in SS too! I know, the 12WC is awesome, but it's hard to keep up sometimes with all the other stuff we have to do. Pretty sophisticated lady here, flaws and all!

Happy SS!

Tammie Lee said...

it is fun to see each step you took to make this wonderful piece! Thanks for stopping by and your supportive comment.

Marlene said...

Diane, thanks for stopping by my blog. I am not home and on a really slow dial up connection and cannot load the sketch. I will be back tomorrow when I get home to check it out.

Nicola said...

Great sketch Diana and wonderful to see how you got to the final piece too! Great work!

Diane said...

Yes, she is pretty, and I love her confidence!

Unknown said...

Hi Diane,
I love seeing the progressive sketches!! Very nice, love the colors!!

Willy said...

Great piece and great idea, Diana!

Andrea said...

Hi Diane,
I love that you've shown the progression. She's very "pretty"...I met a girl this week who uses an eye patch, because she lost her eye. It was purple with embroidery all over it. She had it made. She feels pretty.
Great work(s)...

Kathy said...

So very nice, nice words too.

Lenora said...

Love the step by step progression!

K said...

gorgeous lady!

lissa said...

I don't know why she has patch on her eye but she certainly have personality and I like seeing the steps you go through to the final

Julia Christie said...

Hi Diane,

Nice job and so fun to see this from start to finish - what a talent! Love the sentiment too!

Welcome to SS!~

Kristin said...

Hi Friend! This is so cool to see! Thank you for the sneek peek into your creative mind - you are a master, Kristin xo

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

I enjoyed seeing the steps you take to get the finished Artwork.
Pretty Lady.
Have a happy week


Daphne said...

It's so fun to see the first step and the end result, now you can see how much work you put in too it!
It's 'pretty' amazing!

joanna said...

Hi Diane! Love your sketch and the pretty girl with her patch.

Astrid Maclean said...

Gorgeous piece! I always marvel at how you create these beautiful smooth skin tones...

Sija said...


Art Trip said...

Been enjoying your work. Thanks.

Taluula said...

Love the different steps here. Brilliant.

Rosie said...

How intriguing!! Diana, you made her totally beautiful! =)

Oh and I love that little Panda too! 'o)

Hermine said...

Its lovely

Annette Q said...

Hi Diana!
What a treat to see the way you create, to see the process. Great work as always!:-)

Silvia(Barnie) said...

How cool is this ?! Great colours.

Deborah said...

This is great! LoVe lOvE! I was just over visiting everyone beloved
NieNie and was thinking, I love how she wears her scars. Beauty so deep.
**kisskiss** Deb

marianne said...

Love the steps to lead to cute works of art of yours!


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