Thursday, September 12, 2013

10 Minute Warm up Thursday....Baking!!!!

I think I have spent most of my warm up time this week in the Kitchen....which is totally fine!!! the whole point is to do something you love and get I made these Triple Chocolate Brownie cookies...and they turned out amazing!!! I will be designing a recipe card for you all so stay tuned!!!

Join me!!!

10 Minute Warm Up is about taking 10 minutes of your day to breathe, relax, open up your mind to possibilities and then create can be inspired to sketch your coffee cup....something on your desk....your table....anything....try is a great way to start the day....then pop back here and share it so we can all see and be inspired by each other!!! I have a linkie thing here so you can add your work any day of the week ....Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday join me!!! won't you!

Happy Thursday Everyone....and Happy Creating.....

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