Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday Sketches....or shall I say fonts....and some amazing photos from our Annual visit to the Rock Garden......A Mother's Day Tradition.....

Hi Everyone....

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Moms out there....I am having the greatest weekend with my Sweethearts and plan on sharing some wonderful time with my Mom today too....She is the reason I am who I am and I am so grateful for everything she has taught me.....especially believing in my dreams and showing me a love that is so empowering and sweet .....

I feel truly blessed and I created this poster for her....and all Moms.....I am sharing his as my Sunday Sketch.....I so have some sketches that I have to I will post them as I get them all ready!!

Have a wonderful day!!!

Happy Mother's Day and Happy Creating Everyone....

See you all back here on Monday for 10 Minute Warm Up......


Giggles said...

Diana Happy Mothers day, you are truly drop dead gorgeous, and I now see why your offspring is such a handsome little dude!! Stunning photos all of your dog too!!

Hugs Giggles

WrightStuff said...

What beautiful photos Diana - I especially love the one with Cole and Minnie!
Happy Mother's Day to you. x

PaintingWrite said...

lovely tribute to your mum and fabulous photos - I've already told you how cute I think your son is but did I mention your dog is adorable too!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for popping by and leaving the sweet messages!!!!!!!!!! Hugs!!!!!!!

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful and loving tribute to your Mom ~ and such a cute dude you have and that dog photo is so loving ~ Happy Mother's Day to you ~ ^_^

Ginny said...

Such a beautiful tribute to all Moms. I can see why a visit to the gardens would be a perfect Mother's Day tradition. Happy Mother's Day to you. Thank you for sharing such beautiful photos.

Anne Manda said...

Lovely card and pics! <3

Christine said...

Happy Mother's Day Diana! Lovely tribute to your mom, has tears in my eyes.

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