Hi Everyone...and Happy Sunday.....I took a warm up piece from last week and played around with her .....She is such a funny little angel....I need your help to name her...so please leave me some ideas....We have a long weekend here and I am so happy to be able to spend some great time with my family!! wishing you a wonderful weekend!!!!
Linking up with Sunday Sketches and I am also hoping that you will all join me..........................................

10 Minute Warm Up is about taking 10 minutes of your day to breathe, relax, open up your mind to possibilities and then create something....you can be inspired to sketch your coffee cup....something on your desk....your table....anything....try it....it is a great way to start the day....then pop back here and share it so we can all see and be inspired by each other!!! I have a linkie thing here so you can add your work any day of the week ....Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday....Sunday....so join me!!! won't you!
Happy Tuesday Everyone....and Happy Creating.....
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I had 10 spare minutes today (and a few more!) Yippee! Your angel is very cute, she looks a little mischievous too though! Perhaps the name Amelia would suit her?
She makes me smile! You should name her Tracey...don't know why. She looks like a Tracey. Not very angelic? hehe I would link to you but I need to get a 10 min sketch done. I usually take more time, however I NEED to practice quick sketches. Thanks for hosting!! Thanks for sharing, Happy SS!
what a cute motherly angel!
have a sweet day.
she is so cute!
your ten min. idea is wonderful. i will have to try that.
The ten minute warm up is a great idea and I have made a note on my desk to link up... not guaranteeing it won't be buried in about 10 minutes flat but it is a great idea... as to the angel... I think she should be called Muriel... she looks very like a lady I knew with that name...xx
what a cute little angel! enjoy your long weekend. I'm looking forward to summer vacation. :0)
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