Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Sketches.....Illustration 101 with munchkin....

Hi Everyone....

I am starting a new thing each week with our son called ....Illustration 101 ...a little fun class I look forward to and he this is what we worked on is super fun to do with children so if you have some people in your lives that want to draw this is a perfect exercise ....

it is pretty simple....Cole brings home books from the library that he is inspired by. We then look at the cover art and break it down into manageable pieces.....I am teaching him not to look at the big picture but to look at bits and pieces of the picture and see what they look similar to....for example in the book we used this week....the dog's eye section looks almost like the letter W with curly parts instead of sharp v parts....etc....

He did an amazing job and was super excited about his finished piece...he did it all by himself and I have to say that I think his is way better than  mine for our lesson.....

Super fun and a sweet share for Sunday Sketches.....

Happy Sunday Everyone and Happy Creating....and thank you for popping in!!!


Tammie Lee said...

how wonderful that you are doing art with Cole. I love how you broke down this lesson for him. Good for me to hear. I always make up my art, so i have virtually no skill for looking at something and portraying it on paper.

Cole, your art is awesome!

Molly said...

He has definitely inherited your artistic ability! What a fun way to get kids interested and inspired by art!

Zue said...

A very talented and clever young man:)

Tam Hess said...

What a good job! How fun too! My sons are getting to old and "over it" about art. Your son is a good artist. Thanks for sharing his work :)

bellefrogworks said...

That is wonderful - he did such a good job - great idea - takes the scary out of drawing!

Giggles said...

Cole you are amazing!!! I can't even tell you how impressed I am with how well you draw!! Wow-wee!!! AMAZING.... it's so exciting to watch people find their bliss early!! Good job mama for your loving support and direction!!

Hugs Giggles

Unknown said...

what a great job he did...very talented.

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Cole did an amazing job with his illustration. I used to draw with my girls when they were little, and they now enjoy doing it as teenagers. Blessings!

Christine said...

He's amazingly talented, just like you Diana!

Victoria said...

So beautiful..what a wonderfully inspiring post..he is adorable and the art is fabulous! Spectacular!!

Netty said...

Such a fab post and very inspirational. Cole obviously has his mothers talent. x

Unknown said...

¡Tienes a un pequeño-gran artista a tu lado!

¡Felicidades por el dibujo y por ese fantástico dibujante!

Un abrazo.


Unknown said...

wow you are both very talented!

carol l mckenna said...

Talented and handsome 'On top of Spaghetti! ~ Wonderful! ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Kristin said...

Awe, that is AWESOME! Please tell Cole I think he's super cool - and talented just like his mama! (And he's getting so big! xoxo

Tracey FK said...

It seems like I am getting here later and later for Sunday Sketches sorry... Cole is improving at a great rate so it must be because he has such a wonderful teacher... thanks for sharing it... xx

Joni Nickrent said...

Oh, how fun...Cole did an amazing job, but he has an amazing teacher! :)

Michaele Razi said...

Wow! He is such a wonderful artist already!

josh pincus is crying said...

Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be artists.

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