Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday Sketches.....a new painting for a special couple....

Hi Everyone....

I just went to a fab Wedding last night for my cousin and had to create something sweet for the Happy I worked on this special painting for them.....just dropped it off for my parents to deliver to the after party today.....and now I need some sleep!!!

I am sharing this for my Sunday Sketch.....

hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!!

Happy Sunday and Happy Creating Everyone!!!


Molly said...

What a lovely gift. I'm sure they will treasure it!

Unknown said...

Thank you Molly!!!!!

Hwee said...

What a lovely wedding gift, and a very personal, artsy one! How lucky of the couple to be receiving this!

carol l mckenna said...

Diana ~ what a lovely wedding gift ~ they will love it~ Wow! ~ Happy Week to you ^_^ ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Joni Nickrent said...

Beautiful work...what an amazing gift!

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful bride they will love this.

Christine said...

what a wonderful gift!

Debbie said...

What a great gift! They will really appreciate this painting for many years!

wednesday said...

Awww, I am welling up just imagining their reactions when they open this present.

Kays Kids said...

What a special gift. I'm sure it will be treasured.

Victoria said...

Wow..fabulous!! Such gorgeous work...wonderfully inspiring!

Tammie Lee said...

this is so lovely and special! I can only guess that it will mean so much to them!

Alicia C said...

what an adorable couple! I love the sfumato look

Unknown said...

what a lovely gift!

marianne said...

What a sweet and beautiful gift! They must have been very happy when they got this!
Have a wonderful week♥

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