Monday, April 16, 2012

Tulips....I love these gorgeous flowers.....

Hi Everyone....

It has been a super fun weekend....and I have been creating some new work that I can't wait to share with you all....I have been surrounded by tons of inspiration and wonderful family and friends.....

Today I am enjoying all of the tulips I planted....they are such happy flowers and I always love that you never now what to expect come Spring.....and then you get a super amazing surprise that makes you want to take some time to just sit and stare....

I love Tulips!!!! do you?

Happy Monday Everyone....and Happy Creating.....


Anonymous said...

your tulips are beautiful, the ones you planted and the painting,

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

I love tulips and love yours, growing in the garden and the painting. Such pretty colours.
You must really have a green thumb.

Have a lovely week

yoborobo said...

I love them, too! I want to plant more this fall. They are especially gorgeous when the sun backlights them. :) Your painting is adorable and so happy! xo

marianne said...

Your tulips look great! Indeed a lot of inspiration in those flowers and buds opening at spring.
Enjoy every moment and I can't wait to see what you will create :)

Unknown said...

I love the tulips, but then again I love most every kind of flower, even "weeds". lol great painting. I am amazed at how you find time to do so much.

Christine said...

beautiful tulip painting Diana! Who doesn't love tulips!

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