Monday, April 2, 2012

Some Technical Difficulties...but now I am back in full swing!!!

Hi has been a while since I have been on-line....I had some weird stuff happen with my computer last week so I thought it was time to get something new ....before something major happened...and I was lucky I did....My technical guy said that if I waited any longer I may have lost all of the stuff on my hard now I have a super powered amazing system with dual hard drives .....and I can finally get off my smart phone for internet stuff and blog again!!! I can't wait to see what you all have been up to.....

in the meantime I was off creating all kinds of I will be sharing new stuff daily....but today I thought I would share some of my orchids....they just make me happy....blooming for months and months....gorgeous!!

Happy Monday Everyone....and Happy Creating..


Netty said...

wow your orchids are gorgeous Diana. Glad you didn't lose your valuable work. Annette x

Unknown said...

Thank you Annette!!!Always go with your instinct....and you will avoid disasters!!! lol

Lisa M Griffin said...

stunning flowers... I have never had much luck with them myself.
and congrat's on the new technology. :)

Anonymous said...

oh no, that would have been disasterous!!!! I'm so glad all was saved, sounds like you're all protected now.
You have wonderful orchids, I hear they are tricky but obviously not for you!

Christine said...

beautiful orchids, yes I'm amazed how long the blooms last with little water. Great to have you back online.

martinealison said...

Merci ma chère Diana de partager ces belles photos de tes orchidées... je te fais de gros bisous à très vite...

marianne said...

PC problems are the worst. Lucky you were in time and you have a super duper new one!
It would have been a disaster to loose all your stuff!
Lovely orchids dear. I have a few blooming here as well.
Happy creating♥

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

The orchids are so pretty and delicate.
How lovely that you have a new computer - I had to do the same as mine was giving me problems too.
Good to see you back and have a wonderful Easter


Kokopelli said...

Is that my orchid? I have one looking EXACTLY the same like the one in the first pic. Amazing!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photography....i was wondering if you discontinued the sweet saturday linky party....

Anonymous said...

yummy. inspiring.nature.perfect.

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