Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Sock Monkeys came to life over night!!!!

sock monkey 9c

You saw my designs yesterday.....and then magically overnight....I awoke to such a clatter....I got out of my bed to see what was the matter....and what to my wandering eyes did appear....a bucket full of sock monkeys!!! Oh dear!!!!

I just can't stop creating these paper dolls...I am fascinated with paper art these can check out my current collection of paper art dolls here....

sock monkey 6

sock monkey 4

sock monkey 5

sock monkey 8


Christine said...

they look even cuter today!

Unknown said...

Thanks Christine!!!! I think they are hilarious!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the sweet words Sophia!!!

theothermousie said...

Wow these are brilliant, they make me giggle!!

Michaele Razi said...

Awww...So sweet!

Unknown said...

I am so thrilled that make you giggle!!! They make me giggle too!!!

Deborah said...

OOOOoooooooo so cute! I love them stacked up on each other. Delightful Diana. **kisskiss** Deb

Anonymous said...

Hilarious, Diana. You are so clever!

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