Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The last day of


Today is all about our little munchkin is his last day of School....I can't believe how quickly his first year in Junior Kindergarten was so much fun to see him excited about school and creating things...I have a special box where I have placed all of the amazing things he has made this year....and I wanted today to be all about him and his wonderful work throughout the school year....he is reading books now and writing and he loves to do homework each and every night....what a sweet little man.....

I am getting him a special cake for tonight and making him a little after School party to celebrate!!!! but I want to share some of my favorite pieces from the year with you!!! so please enjoy !!!!

Cole's Art 2011 013

Cole's Art 2011 004

Cole's Art 2011 005

Cole's Art 2011 010

Cole's Art 2011 002

Cole's Art 2011

Cole's Art 2011 008


Diane said...

Cole is quite the little artist! He takes after mama! He's getting to be such a big boy too! xoxo Diane

Unknown said...

Thank you Diane!!! he sure is growing up right before our eyes....I can't believe how quickly time has flown by!!!! I am taking every moment in!!! and enjoying it!!!!

Heather said...

aw, don't you just love all of their little artwork? Congratulatins to little cole, what a cutie! enjoy the cake, too!

Janine said...

Oh wow, your little boy is going to be a real artist and and didn´t know, that he is in school allready.
I am sure he will enjoy his first summer holidays.

It´s so cool that you are working on a book about a lemonade stand!!!
I can´t wait to see a preview.
have a great sunny summerday

Christine said...

congrats to Cole on completing junior kindergarten. So cute that he loves to do his homework. Great pieces!

Anonymous said...

beautiful work, congratulations to handsome young Cole,, (nice name too)!He has talent that boy!

Lisa M Griffin said...

Oh I just love, love, love childrens art work... which is probably why I miss teaching! They have such an uncluttered, beautiful view of the world around them and the enthusiasm that a child shows towards art is infectious! Thanks for sharing Cole's colorful creations. :)

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

How exciting for Cole, his first school year over and now the holidays.
I loved seeing all his wonderful Artwork and he is so talented and taking after his Mother.
Enjoy the holidays


Michaele Razi said...

He's so adorable and handsome! What a wonderful artist as well!

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