Friday, February 25, 2011

Illustration Friday - Swarm

The Swarm

I love bees...need I say more....

Bees were the first thing that came to mind when I saw this week's theme on IF....

Meet Tasha...the Queen Bee....she wasn't going anywhere from her hive...she was going to stay still her busy workers swarmed around her they kept her warm with their fluttering wings....and the scent of sweet honey made her hive even sweeter....

This would make a cool new outfit for Lady Gaga....wouldn't it?

Happy Friday Everyone!!!!


martinealison said...

It's a very lovely sketch with this last... I like the bees too and their honey...
It's a beautiful queen bee and her skirt is like the snail's house...
Very nice work... Big kisses.
Sorry if my english isn't very well!

Manon said...

Tasha is the Queen Bee for sure!! She's stunning!!!
Hey, my friend!! I've missed you!!
I hope all is going well. I've enjoyed all your food posts on FB!! : ))

Unknown said...

Thank you Martine!!!! I love bees!!!

Thank you Manon!!! I have been posting way too much food on FB!!! love to cook!!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

If I get a figure like that, I wanna be QUEEN BEE!!! :-D
Darling...I love bees and we are losing so many here. I don't have my garden like I used to, but still have flowers and the yard is full of clover, for them to feed.
I have to get Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy now....


Unknown said...

Anne !!! you are a riot!!! I have to get busy site work is killing me!!! so many issues!!!

Krista said...

Perfect! Queen bees must be very fashionable and this one sure is!

Brine Blank said...

Nice innovative design here...of course it looks like it might be a bit weak on defense during bear attacks...

Melissa Saylor said...

Wonderful artwork! Love her skirt and the background looks great!

Unknown said...

Thank you Krista!!!

Thank you Brine!!!

Thank you Melissa!!!

Thank you Sophia!!! I could see her wearing this one day!!! how cool would that "BEE"

Indigene said...

Wonderful concept filled with delight!

Teri said...

This is so creatively done Diana! Bravo!

Michaele Razi said...

Wonderful artwork, Diana! I love how bright and fun you illustrations are00so yummy! And I agree with Lady Gaga wearing this sweet dress. Fabulous!

bikim said...

lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!! bees mean spring and spring is coming!!! i can already hear them on my garden and it's just that perfect sound that reminds you of ... ...
after all she had used?!?! that would be perfect for her!! no doubts there!
enjoy your weekend Diana!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Hands down she is magnificent and I bet she taste like honey too! This is wonderful. They can't help but to swarm her. Lovely illustration Diana! Beautiful work.

michele said...

This queen bee's lookin' as sweet as honey, with her little hive skirt and tiny entourage buzzing about! Very cool! :o)

Cassandra said...

That is a great illustration!! I love the fact that she is a mannequin! You have such great detail in that illustration!! Great hive skirt!! :)

Rafael Santiago said...

Awesome... but I hope I don't get stung!

Terri Kahrs said...

She's terrific, Diana! And you're right . . . Since Lady Gaga fancy's herself "the Queen Bee", this outfit would 'bee' perfect for her!!! LOL!!! Hugs, Terri xoxox

Juliana Fonseca said...

very interesting, the girl very beautiful

MrBibleHead said...

Tasha is sweet!.... like honey! Great one Diana.... you always think outside the hive :o)

juca said...

Thank you for comment!

This queen bee is very harmonic with their workers. I like her modern dress and mood. Super!

Juan said...

Great work Diana! So cute!

Dear Fireflies said...

Hey Diana.. I love your queen bee! Now, why does she remind me of you?? Must be the hair..haha! :))

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