Sunday, December 12, 2010

What do you think Santa is watching?


I just worked on the finished Santa sketch and thank you all for the feedback and ideas for shows that should be on his here are some of the shows Santa will be watching this season.....what do you think ? Here are all of the pieces finished with different TV shows....These are submitted as my Sunday Sketches...

Food Network - Diners Drive-ins and Dives....


It's a Wonderful Life......


How the Grinch Stole Christmas......


Hot Vacation Spots.......


Frosty the Snowman.....


The Young and the Restless......

santa 1

What do you think Santa will be watching????

Have a wonderful day!!!!


Heather said...

well, diana, this is too cute! I love his slippers, he he he. great ideas for shows, here, too! xxoo

Heather said...

well, diana, this is too cute! I love his slippers, he he he. great ideas for shows, here, too! xxoo

Leovi said...

This must be the Santa Claus that I have assigned to me, because I never bring gifts. My son says he brings gifts if you need to have another Santa Claus.

Lenora said...

That's hilarious! Love the tv changing -we are going to go back and look at each again - we think Santa should be watching "The Grinch" or Christmas TV the fire log loop!

Lenora said...

Oops! we went back and looked and realized you already have the grinch. We think Santa should be watching the old version too!! :) xoxo

Unknown said...

Thanks Heather....this was so much fun!!!

Unknown said... are too funny!!!! I still believe in Santa!!!!

Lenora....I love the grinch too!!!!

WrightStuff said...

Santa best stop watching TV and get those toys loaded on his sleigh - is what I say! Great imagination Diana!

Mona said...

Santa is having all the fun alone!

That is a beautiful sketch! I love your other sketches too!

Unknown said...

Thanks Lisa....he sure better get around to his work....this was dreamed up at a night out with friends....I will be printing it and showing it to all our friends at the Christmas party....they will get a kick out of it!!!!

Thanks Mona!!!! he sure loves to watch his new TV in the Master Bedroom!!!!!

Kristin said...

My vote would be for Guy!!! I LOVE all the options - you are so clever! And thank you for your sweet message - you are always so kind and supportive, xoxo

Unknown said...

oh what fun too...I think I have the Food network on all the Guy!!! he is so fun!!!

Julia Christie said...

I am amazed at how you take your drawing and what it looks like after you add color! So funny to trying to imagine what santa might be his boxers!

and btw, your little man is toooo cute! what a doll!

Sinderella's Studio said...

Fantastic drawings - I vote for Frosty because it seems to fit but love that you did Young and the Restless - hilarious! Thanks for stopping by!
cheers, dana

Tammie Lee said...

such a fun post Diana. It looks so different with each show. Inspires the mind in a different way. An artist has a lot of power ;-}

Love all the details in this piece.

GalleryJuana said...

Ok ... I want Santa's slippers and his fluffy pants:) I like the one where he's watching the sunny vacation beach on T.V. Amazing to see the image go from a sketch to a colored illustration.

Heather Foust said...

What a cute sketch and what a cute idea to change the TV shows. I am going with "Its a Wonderful Life" To get him in the mood for all the toys and good tidings he has to deliver. Moods the key.

EVA said...

LOL!! Great illustration and love the variations!

I think he's watching sports not Xmas shows!

Unknown said...

Thanks Julia!!! And Cole is such a big inspiration to me each and every day!!!

Thanks Sinder!!!!! I always watch the Y&R so I thought it would be funny!!!

Thanks Tammie.....pretty fun to change one thing in each piece.....

Thanks Juana.....this was such a fun project....and I love hearing everyone's idea for Santa 's shows....

Hi Eva....oh wow...I totally forgot about sports.....what a great idea!!!!!

Thanks for popping by everyone!

Katerina Galati said...

Diana, your idea is amazing :) as for the sketch..what to say...excellent!!
Well I don't know all the shows/movies Santa is watching but I find "frosty the snowman" as the most appropriate!!
Have a creative week!!

Janine said...

Ha ha, as I said before I am sure he is watching the hot vacation spots on TV, snow and north-pole all the time might be a little unpleasant when it is all you´ve got.
have a great week

Christine said...

the young and the restless, lol. Great idea, Diana.

Debbie said...

ha ha some of the answers made me smile! I have to go with the cooking channel. He does love to eat! Love the slippers he is wearing! Cute sketch!

Brian Miller said...

hehe...your sketch is awesome and i love the loving those slippers...

Kristin Dudish said...

Ha! So funny - I love all the variations and such fabulous details :)


Shayla said...

This was so creative and gave me a lot of ideas! You are a talented artist!

Unknown said...

Hello and merry Christmas to you! Seeing as oprah is in Australia right now, I think Santa needs to watch oprah! Love your sketch! Xxx

Juan said...

hahahah! Excellent work Diana!

Michelle@MixedMediaArt said...

I certainly hope Santa doesn't turn up on my bed like that - I just wouldn't know what to do!

Emily said...

When I got to the Y+R part I cracked up, in that vein if Santa was laying around watching daytime network television he'd be watching Maury, Tyra or Judge Mathis to make sure the Naughty/Nice list was up to date

Taluula said...

Mr Claus has the Life of Riley here Diana, just lying about watching TV whilst Mrs Claus waits on him hand and foot. Brilliant work.

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