Friday, December 24, 2010

The traditions started...and now we wait for the big day....Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!

December 23th 2010 Angel
Hi is amazing how quickly time flies....hard to imagine that Christmas is already!!!!

I would like to wish you and your families all the best during the Holidays....your friendships and visits have been so welcoming and warm and I am ever so grateful to have met so many amazing people through blogging......

May you all enjoy each and every moment of this Magical time and share in old traditions and create new ones that many can pass down and enjoy for years to come......I wish you all Happiness and Health and Prosperity....and may you all enjoy the true meaning of this amazing time of year....

I created this special Angel to send you all blessings during the holidays and throughout 2011....

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!!!

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Cole and I started a tradition his first Christmas....we bake that he is older he is my sous chef and he loves to help make these yummy treats for our family and for Santa !!!

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Here are some of our yummy creations....

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Vanilla and spicy Christmas trees....and below...some chocolate thumbprint cookies with peppermint chocolate ganache and crushed candy canes....yummy!!!!

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and you know how much Cole and I love this is our new snowman cookie design for 2010....

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some Anise favorite recipe I came up with............

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my spicy gingerbread cookies......

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and this special plate I made for Cole on his first Christmas....we use it each year for Santa's treats!!!!
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and one more of our traditions is to head over to a park that is lit up!!! We have been going for years now...and it is always fun to sip hot drinks and walk around and see all the cool lights and decorations.....

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and how can you get even more Canadian....with one of these cool Moose....all decked out for the holidays too!!!!

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and Santa and his reindeer are all ready for the big night!!!!
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Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

OMG! That was some amazing cookie production! :)) I wish I could have a taste. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Unknown said...

merry Christmas Diana and Cole! I looooove the angel your drew, and those cookies are spectacular! I mean WOW...there is a whole lot of love in them. I wish I was close by, I would pop in with a gift, just so i could get some of those cookies to try.
I hope you all have a wonderful day

Jenny said...

Hi Diana! I'm delighted to tell you you're the winner of my Joy Journal give away!!Yay! If you could email me your address I'll get the journal sent off as soon as festivities allow!! (
I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas :) Those home baked goodies look delicious!! x

Jess said...

Diana your angel is truly divine! I love her! I'm totally in awe of that amazing batch of baking too, somone is in for quite a treat this year I can see! A very happy christmas to you, with love, Jess x

Unknown said...

thank you Natasha!!!! We had a blast baking and decorating!!!!

Thank you Anne!!!! I love this Angel too...she is so so sweet!!!

Thank you Jenny!!!! are you serious !!! I won!!! how amazing is that...thank you for popping by!!!

Thank you Jessie!!! I think these will all be packed up and out of here within the next few days...I love bringing cookies everywhere I go!!!

Happy Holidays everyone!!! thank you for popping in!!!!


tera said...

Your angel is very sweet. She would make a lovely ornament! I also love all your nautical pics, they are very fun - the sand/snow men are especially cute. :)

And "wow" on the cookies! I will cook you a 12 course dinner, but I just don't bake. I don't know why, but the thought of making cookies (especially that many!) just about melts my brain. Fantastic though- yum!

Merry Christmas!

Archie and Melissa said...

hi diana!
Merry Merry christmas to all of you!

m & e

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

Lovely post, dear friend.
Your Christmas cookies are amazing and glad you have a sweet helper.
It has been a tradition for our family too, every year Victoria and I make Christmas cookies.
Wishing you and your dear family the best and happiest Christmas.
I hope it is filled with the sweetest of blessings. I am so thankful for your beautiful friendship.


Loni Edwards said...

Wow! Holy cookie explosion Batman! That is awesome. I love the snowman ones. So adorable. Too adorable to eat? Me thinks not. Happy Holidays Diana! I hope your 2011 will be even better than 2010 was :) Best wishes, Loni

Unknown said...

Thank you Tera!!!!!!!!

Thank you Carolyn!!!!!!

Thank you Loni!!!!!!

We are still celebrating today and having a blast with family!!!!!!!

Hope you all are having a wonderful Holiday!!!!!!!!!!


Debbie Clandening said...

Merry christmas, lovely post for christmas.

marianne said...

And cole turns into a handsome young man!

Deborah said...

Artisan cookies!!! You deserve a medal. What a beautiful life you are creating. **kisskiss** Deb

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