Joey was really wise...but he never told anyone who he was...he was always dressing up in costumes...when it came time to graduate, he came with his wise old owl costume...his identity was concealed for his entire education....hmmmmmmmmmmm.... makes you wonder...who was this Joey guy? was his name Joey or not? makes you wonder....we better get Paul Williams from the Young & the Restless to get this guy all checked out.....After the formal we should all hook up for some Green Beverages...and green cupcakes....
I am submitting this piece to the Three Muses Challenge this week....theme "incognito"....
How many of you head out incognito? once and a while I like to go out incognito and pretend I am a star that needs to get away from the paparazzi.......
I have been busy as a bee this week with some really fun projects and also trying to stock up my shop...I have some cool new things that I will show once I get them listed...
Have a wonderful day!!!
Too cute! Love the graduating class :-)
Love the idea of the owl (they all look pretty smart to me)! Always a joy to view you new works Diana- and Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too- don't forget to wear green!
Love seeing your creations and love hearing the tales that go with them, Diana! Happy St. Paddy's Day to you!
The class valedictorian, no doubt! What fun! Beautiful.
The class valedictorian, no doubt! What fun! Beautiful.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you, Diana.
Love your graduation class painting and the owl is a great touch.
I will join you for a delicious cupcake.
Oh wow your work is incredible and absolutely unique. Love them.
Great idea, very clever!!!
Happy st patty's day!!!!
I love your smart little intellegent owl graduating with his buddies! Great illustration friend!
Another stunning art work, Diana, those Irish cupcakes look yummy!
Great piece, love the owl.
heheh very cute and funny!! I can just imagine you heading out incognito with glasses and a false moustache, tee hee!!
Very fun piece!
Happy St Patricks day to you Diane.
These pieces are fantastic!!
happy st pats to you too lovely one. your energy just enervates me.
Lovely illos! Happy ST.P day!
And.....did that lovely weather arrived? Here it did!
Did some work inmy brothers garden and will now take a nap and will visit my mom. Hope to be back early here so I can sit in the garden and soak up some vitamine D.
Have a nice day! Enjoy that first spring day!!!!
Great piece of whimsy and fun Diana, I love it. Happy St Patrick's Day to you too.
I love him, and Happy St. Pat's day!
Happy St Patrick's Day to you! Your graduating class is amazing and the cupcakes look positively yummy.
Great work.
Joey the Owl made me giggle out loud. Oh, the wondrous, delightful mind of Diana!
**blows kisses** Deb
What a Hoot!
And your green cupcake picture is delicious. I will have one too!
Happy st. Patrick's Day sweetheart!
Very clever!
and where did you say those cupcakes were hiding???
Such fun! Cheers!!
Wonderful entry!!
What fun, Diana! I wonder who is the wisest of the bunch?! Great piece.
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