Friday, March 19, 2010

Illustration Friday - "Expired"

Hi is my latest piece featuring the Mad Hatter and Brown Hare..... I am submitting this piece to IF this week...the theme is "Expired" and no matter how expired the cream was in never dampened the tea party fun.....

Here are all the Characters together and I also added a few of the earlier piece of Alice, White Rabbit, Cheshire cat and door mouse.....

This was a fun collection of Alice in Wonderland fan art I worked on....

Have a wonderful Friday!!!



Deborah said...

I want that cupcake! Oops. Sorry, I drooled a little...Happy Friday!
**blows kisses** Deb

Teri said...

Just adorable and perfect Diana!

marianne said...

Cute cute cute! Love those 2 rabbits!


Unknown said...

Thank you everyone!!! I had a lot of fun with I need to see the movie!!

Eugen Caitaz said...

Just, Diana in Wonderland! :)

INDIGENE said...

Wonderful textures and characters!

Unknown said...

Thank you Sophia!!! what a wonderful made my day!!!


soulbrush said...

ha ha i hope she doesn't get a tummy ache. fun drawing as always diana.

Sweet-Lemmon said...

This is so cute! Simply lovely! <3
Like someone'd already said: Just, Diana in Wonderland! :D

Nicola said...

Very cute Diana!!!

Terri Kahrs said...

How enchanting!!! Oh, Diana! You must see the movie! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Fannie said...

Wonderful, Diana! Love all of it. Did you go to see the movie yet? Great submission to IF.

Stop by my blog for a giveaway:

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

I adore your Alice collection and you can never have too many of this delightful theme. Perfect and I will say this again, you are so talented.

Happy weekend

MrBibleHead said...

ooo Diana! I love these guys! Just saw the movie and am in a wonderland mood. Your work certainly keeps me wonerlading along. Great illustrations!

audrey said...

Your illustrations make me happy!!

I want to wish you a HAPPY HAPPY SPRING, Diana. I hope each day of Spring is filled with happy things for you and your family!
♥ audrey

Unknown said...

Absolutely love your style Diana, simply beautiful!

Your work is amazing...

Ces Adorio said...

I saw these while we were on the road yesterday. My daughter loves Alice in Wonderland and in fact was drawing the Mad Hatter. She said these are so cool! There you go, a praise from a true critic!

Unknown said...

oh CES!!! Thank you for popping in and so glad to have you back with us!!!! and having your daughter like my work means the world to me!!!

Thank you for popping in and I am so happy you are back ....

Have a wonderful Sunday and great week ahead!!!


Pencil Pocket said...

Sweet. Love the collection!

erin said...

Another wonderful one!

Roberta said...

Love your Alice series Diana!!

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