Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Three Muses Challenge - Theme "Nature"

Hi Everyone....

I am really enjoy watching the Winter Olympics....we won another Gold today and our Team Canada hockey team scored a wonderful game tonight....I always dream when the Olympics are on....I think I am inspired to take up snowboarding looks like so much fun!!

Tonight I created this piece as inspired by the prompt on Three Muses Challenge blog....the theme is Nature and I created a special Mother Nature...a piece with several Mother Nature's as she is one busy lady....all over the globe....

Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!!!



Cynthia DiBlasi - Fine Art said...

I love your take on Mother Nature! Just beautiful. . . yet with a slightly primitive twist. And to say team Canada won tonight would be putting it lightly!!! ;-)

Ces Adorio said...

It's great that Canada won the hockey medal. The game is so Canadian! A beautiful image Diana. I just noticed the Winter Olympic logos on your sidebar. Wonderful!

Sandy said...

Oh wow this is absolutely unique and special.
Fantastic art. Love them.

Bella Sinclair said...

I have to tell ya. My Emma was here when I opened your blog, and she was entranced by this painting. She said, "Ooooooooo! Who did THAT?!" Mother Nature sure is stunning!

Unknown said...

thank you everyone!!! your messages always make me smile!!!

and Cynthia ...Team Canada was amazing!!! I can't wait to see more...I hope we go all the way this time!!!!

Ces...more hockey to come...and it is so Canadian!!! it's our game!!!

Gayle Page-Robak said...

Excellent, Diana..I watched the men's skating tonight...enjoying the games too!

Unknown said...

Hi Bella!!! oh how sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!!! you just made my day with that comment...when a child looks at my work and gets inspired by it...enjoys makes me love what I do even more!!!


Judy said...

"All things bright & beautiful," Diana, wonderful take on Nature! Spectacular opening to the games, too, just finished watching figure skating!

Kathleen Rietz said...

I've been loving the winter Olympics. I agree - snowboarding looks like a scream, as does the moguls skiing!

Love the new artwork, too. Your work is definitely reflective of how cheerful and beautiful you are.

Lori Saul said...

Ah, Mother Nature at her best- lovely Diana!

johanna said...

what can i say if not always repeating myself... but as always ít is simply gorgeous!!!

Limarea said...

What a beautiful lady :)

Ellen said...

stunning picture it looks like folk art so cheerful

Diane said...

Mother Nature is beautiful, and I have to agree with Bella's daughter, Emma!!

WrightStuff said...

I don't think team GB have won any medals yet :( Winter sports isn't really our thing, though didn't we get a gold in the curling a while back? Love your mother natures. I did a mother nature too - another sister for the gang!

Ozstuff said...

What a joyful colorfest! The colours are stunning and the images absolutely gorgeous. Wonderful artwork, Diana, as always.

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Fantastic take on this theme. It looks beautiful.

Terri Kahrs said...

Diana, your Mother Natures are glorious!!! If one is good, more are AWEsome!!!

I've been watching the Games every night and feel as though sleep deprivation is settling in! LOL! But it's SO worth it. I'm so happy that Canada is doing well. :) Hugs, Terri xoxo

Terri Daugherty said...

your mothers of nature of surperb! love the rich beautiful colors and the whimsy feel to the page. great work as always diana!!

Daphne said...

Love the coulours, Mother nature in person!

"MOI" Freubel said...

In a way we had the same thought about creating a MOTHER nature Diana.
What a detailed-fascinating and magical piece again !!

Manon said...

I so love Mother Nature!! Great piece!!

Diana.... i'm watching the Olympics!
I'm so cheering for all my fellow Canadians!! I've been going to bed so late but I can't stop watching!!


Susan said...

Beautiful ladies and colors Diana! Congrats to team Canada! Eventhough I'm American I'm pretty global when it comes to the Olympics (I was sooo happy for the Chinese couple the other night), but I can't help rooting for Shaun White!

Cheers! Susan

Lisa M Griffin said...

How colorful and gorgeous this composition.Lovely share!

Rhonda said...

Love this delightful piece, Diana!! I'm so happy to see you celebrating the Olympics too! Your cottage country looks wonderful - not sure where you are. We are just across the water from Vancouver and the city is electric! Go Canada! Cheers!

*jean* said...

so pretty & cheerful!!

Deborah said...

Diana, I just love little thing you do. Your pure joy shines through. Now that I have so many Canadian friends, the olympics are that much more exciting...two teams to cheer for. UGH. Snowboarding! I was a downhiller in my day. I would so fall flat on my face riding a board. But you youngins, go have fun! **kisskiss** Deb

Eugen Caitaz said...

They seems like on Russian Girls!!! ;)

Killara girl said...

love your artwork....i'm wondering how it's done!

phoebe said...

Love the drawing and all the colors!

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