Saturday, February 20, 2010

Go Team Canada! Go!!!

Hi Everyone....I know what the Olympics mean to me...and I always have to fight back the tears when one of our Athletes get their is such a proud moment and I think we also live vicariously through them.....I always watch the games and stay up late to catch glimpses of all the wonderful sports.....I am all about the winter games because I love winter and I love winter sports....I have been inspired to take up snowboarding wish me luck!!!

I will not however...try the skeleton...too scary for me...going head first and all...

Congrats to Team Canada!!! you guys are doing awesome!!! This week I will work on some Olympic inspired pop back!!!



Debby said...

What a fabulous post! I feel exactly the same, they are so amazing. I can't stop watching!!!

Manon said...

I love all the Canadian athletes.... I cry too!
Good luck with snowboarding! I can't wait to see you on the half pipe! Let me know when you try!

josh pincus is crying said...

As of right now, Team United States (that's the country just to the south of Canada, I sure you've heard of it, it's been in all the papers), has 21 medals. I guess that looks good on one's resume.

By the way, I'm not really watching the Olympics. I'm drawing.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

Congratulations on the Canadian team!
I enjoyed watching the downhill skiing ~ aren't they amazing.
Also loved the pretty frocks on the last post.... so gorgeous.

I hope that you are having a great weekend

Silke Powers said...

I've loved watching the Olympics this year! And I am always happy when the athletes of the host country win - it's such a proud moment... And then, of course, I also root for the Germans and the athletes from the US. Most of all, though, I love to watch all athletes perform at their best...

Oh, snowboarding! Good luck!! Love, Silke

Deborah said...

Love the Olympics. I know this is thrilling our most beloved Canadian. **kisskiss** Deb

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