Saturday, February 27, 2010

Paris Merci - My Arc de Triomphe gets featured!!!

Hi Everyone...what a fun collection this know I love love love all things Paris...and this collection just makes me smile....I am so happy to be included in this collection curated by

PerleAmies - a wonderful shop owner from Paris!!!

I would love to be in Paris this Spring!!! wouldn't you?

Pop by this treasury collection and show us some love by leaving a comment....



Lisa M Griffin said...

WOW! What a great feature and your print just adds to it's beauty, charm and talent. Have a great weekend!

by Hege said...

Thank you so much Diane for posting the treasury Paris Merci! on your blog. It looks even better here then on Etsy :)

All the best,
- Perleamies (Hege)

Nicola said...

Hi Diana, congratulations!!! I love that picture!! We'll be in Paris in the summer, I'm so excited. We're going to spend a week in France when hubby the boys and I go on our overseas trip. We're also taking the boys to Euro Disney it's going to be so exciting!!!!

Sweet-Lemmon said...

Wow! Congrats!! Paris and your art! This is really amazing!


Draffin Bears said...

Oh how wonderful Diana, I am so happy to see your fabulous work featured.
Just off to take a look now.

I hope that you are having a lovely weekend.

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