Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!!! Happy Paint Party Friday....

A little Angel...who believes everyone should have their head in the clouds every once and a while....

paper flowers I made!!!

Special Minion Valentines I made for munchkin

School Valentine's Day Project
Special Party Cookies I baked for a Team Meeting

My display for the cookies....

My sweet labels for the cookies....

Hi Everyone...and Happy Friday.....I have had one of my busiest and funnest weeks ever!!!

It has been a whirlwind of a week...and I am thrilled to share all the fun things I did this week with you all......I am so blessed to have so much inspiration around me these days....I have been going a hundred miles and hour and I just don't have enough hours in the day to get everything I want done.....I guess we all have days like that....and I have to tell you all that I secretly love days like that....mind racing with so many ideas....finding inspiration all around....meeting amazing people....and spending lots of time creating sweet things.....

I baked special cookies this week for a very special team meeting....yesterday I was at our son's school working on a very special art project.....I also created some sweet Minion Valentine's for munchkin too....then I had to make things a little creative with the Valentine's Day chocolates for our son's Teacher so I dabbled in paper flowers...and I love the way they turned out!!! I hope she loves them.....and last but not least....I painted a special Angel for Valentine's Day!!!

I think I need an extra long fun Family Weekend now....

Thank you all for being here and I wish you all a Love and Happiness filled day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Creating Everyone....

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DVArtist said...

This cherubs face is amazing. I really like your paper art too. Thanks for sharing all the goodies.

Heather Foust said...

You have been way busy!!! Love all your creations! The angel, chocolate box, and the treats are just amazing!!

Kokopelli said...

The Minions are priceless. Love them! *lol* Happy PPF!

JKW said...

I love the angel, the moving paper doll, the paper flowers (fantastic), the tags and the Jesus card. The extra trims are wonderful. Blessings, Janet PPF

Netty said...

wow, lots of wonderful valentine themed projects Diana, loving them all. Happy PPF, Annette x

Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

The first angel is gorgeous!!!
I like the colors...they are just so happy!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Gorgeous angel and I want some of those cookies. :) Happy Valentines!

Abela said...

Yes, it really is a special angel, lovely. Saludos

Irene Rafael said...

I love your enthusiasm and beautiful love filled art. Those paper flowers...amazing!

Julie said...

Your paper flowers look so beautiful!! Great job! Those little valentines with the minions were super cute too!!

Linda Kunsman said...

I just adore all your Valentine inspired creations-those paper flowers are fabulous!

bellefrogworks said...

Busy and wonderfully creative! The angel is super and I love the paper flowers - the teacher will too. Of course, since I am totally in love with the minions - I guess that has to be my favorite!!! Happy Valentine's Day

Tammie Dickerson said...

What a charming cupid! Wow - you have been busy this week! Happy Valentine's day and PPF!!

Kate Robertson said...

The cherub is just perfect. Loved seeing all the valentine goodness.

Kate Robertson said...

The cherub is just perfect. Loved seeing all the valentine goodness.

Renee Dowling said...

Holly cow, you've been going full speed ahead this week. Your son's teacher will love the gift, amazing!

It is so exciting to have such a inspirational creative busy week, isn't it?

Well done and thanks for sharing!

Carola Bartz said...

So many wonderful Valentine treats!! You sure were busy - and the outcome is lovely!

Lisa M Griffin said...

Wow! I can't get over those paper flowers... so beautiful. Thanks for sharing - looks like you had a wonderful holiday. :)

Karla B said...

Adorable art, my friend!

Deepa Gopal said...

Love the Cherub and all those wonderful pieces.

Ariel said...

Your Valentine creations are amazing. That angel is so adorable.
Happy PPF

Annabelle said...

A post filled with heart! Love all of the beautiful creations. That little angel is special!

Annabelle : )

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