Tuesday, July 23, 2013

10 Minute Warm Up and Creative Tuesdays....Ship

One of my favorite types of ships is a sailboat.....so I am sharing this quick watercolour and ink piece for my 10 Minute Warm up and my submission to Creative Tuesdays....

I would also love to invite you all here every day to participate in 10 Minute Warm Ups....

10 Minute Warm Up is about taking 10 minutes of your day to breathe, relax, open up your mind to possibilities and then create something....you can be inspired to sketch your coffee cup....something on your desk....your table....anything....try it....it is a great way to start the day....then pop back here and share it so we can all see and be inspired by each other!!! I have a linkie thing here so you can add your work any day of the week ....Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and....Sunday....so join me!!! won't you!

Happy Tuesday Everyone....and Happy Creating.....

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Wanda said...

Sailing, Sailing. You've captured the heart of sailing. Your watercolors are outstanding.

DVArtist said...

Wow I really like this. There is so much color that brings out the depth of the painting.

linda (dots n doodles) said...

I cannot believe that this is a 10 minute warm-up. It is just so beautifully executed and tranquil as well.

Christine said...

Just beautiful Diana, love the soft colours.

TwinkleToes2day said...

Visiting from Creative Tuesdays - I love this & I am so impressed that it only took you ten minutes! :0)

Alicia C said...

what a lovely piece! love it

Michael said...

Wow, Diana, how lovely to see you on CT again! I see your submissions in my blogroll of course but always lovely to have you do CT too. I didn't know you did such darling fine art paintings too. This is brilliant. LOVE IT. one of the best pieces I've seen from you and that;s saying something.

You know, I really need a private, non co-op blog to do these sort of challenges like that 10 min one. What a fun idea. It would be too confusing to others if I did that, I think. Anyway, good luck there and thank you so much for playing along this time around. :)

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