Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday Sketches......

There is something fun about a dress I had to do a quick sketch of one.....these always remind me of vintage ateliers and inspire me to sew things.....

I had a super busy week again this past week and I really don't want time to fly every I need some advice on how to make time go by if you have some....please share it with me!

Happy Sunday Sketches and Happy Creating Everyone!!!


Christine said...

Very nice dress Judys!

Anonymous said...

I never heard the term dress Judy, thats so cute! they are so cute, slowing the clock, lol. wish I knew the trick to that one!

Anne Manda said...

Lovely vintage feeling, love the pink!

Tracey FK said...

I wish I could slow down time a little as well... or maybe add a couple more hours to each day... that might help me get to everything... love the dress judies.. wonderfully drawn xx

Molly said...

I didn't know they are called judies... Thanks for that bit of trivia! If you figure out the time thing, let me know! :-).

Victoria said... beautiful! What a stunning image..and perfect for someone who designs or sews..would look lovely hanging on a wall in someone's sewing room or creative space! Delightfully gorgeous!!
happy SS!

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