Sunday, November 13, 2011

I made you a special singing bird....from sketch to he is....

Hello everyone......Happy Sunday....

Today I share this special bird to entertain you all....he sings and dances....and wants to get a gig on Broadway of all here's hoping someone out there spots him and offers him an audition!!! He is heading over to Sunday Sketches....and Creative Every Day to visit all of our friends get to know him before he makes it big!

We are having a wonderful weekend....Saturday we spent the whole day out and about....hiking by the river, shopping and enjoying the huge crowds for Christmas.....and then a stop at the beach to pick up some driftwood for an art project ......

I don't know what it is about driftwood....I just love it....and can't wait to create something with it.....

Here is our big stash we picked up at the beach.....

Happy Sunday Everyone and Happy Creating.....



Silke Powers said...

What a fun little sketch - this looks like a talented bird!! And I love your driftwood - we always pick it up when we see it. In one of our rooms we made a curtain holder (you can't really call it a rod) from driftwood and draped fabric over it. Looks so cool!! Happy Sunday! Silke

carol l mckenna said...

Another great creation ~ Love driftwood ~ painted a few myself ~thanks, namaste, Carol ( Share the Creative Journey)

Carolyn Dube said...

I'm sure he'll be a big hit on Broadway! Adorable!

Anonymous said...

lovely birds, very handsome, and I love driftwood, we lived on the water for 35 years, I had quite a collection,, I cna't wait to see what you do with his

Jennibellie said...

Beautiful, I simply love everything about your style, thanks so much for sharing, hugs Jennibellie x

Mlissabeth said...

This little bird made me smile, with his puffed-up chest ready for singing.

Ces Adorio said...

I love driftwood. I always like the way they look in the river.I can't wait for you to turn them into something magical.

Christine said...

lovely showbird! And a great collection of driftwood, can't wait to see what you do with them!

Julia Christie said...

What a cute little birdy! I wish him the best in his quest to hit the big time! :-)

Oh boy! Can't wait to see what you do with the driftwood!


Teri said...

What a fun little bird and so talented.
Happy Sunday Diana.

Joni Nickrent said...

What a tweet sketch to color! Who can resist such a happy birdie!

Gwen said...

A very jolly bird...
I look forward to your driftwood makes.
Gwen xx

Debbie said...

Cute sketch Diana! How nice that you live so close to the beach! I can't wait to see what you make with the drift wood

Jehanne's doodles said...

What a charming bird. What is he singing :)
Love the drift wood. Looking forward to seeing what you create with it.

gatheringwonder said...

love the design in your art piece

WrightStuff said...

Well, there's always room for another star on Broadway!

Michaele Razi said...

Adorbs! Pretty driftwood.

Molly said...

i love driftwood, too. and beach glass...

and mr. bird is wonderful. he's obviously on his way up and i'll be able to say i knew him when! ;-)

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Diana,

Love your sweet singing, dancing bird and seeing him from sketch to colour.
Have fun with the drift wood and I look forward to seeing your creations.

Happy new week

ArtistUnplugged said...

Oh, these little performers are precious!!!! Sounds like a great weekend. I love the photos of Cole, what a cutie!

marianne said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend.
Those birds are lovely and yes that wood looks fantastic, can't wait to see what you can do with it!

Serena Lewis said...

Awwwww...your singing birds are cute!

Nice driftwood haul...can't wait to see what you use it for. :)

Victoria said...

Gorgeous work..beautiful! and lovely driftwood harvest..i paint on it is a wonderful way to create wiht nature! Enjoy!

Crystal said...

Cute sketch! I can't wait to see what you do with the driftwood! :-)

Heather said...

wow the color of that driftwood is PERFECT - i can't wait to see what you do with that
your bird makes me happy - as does your cheerful and inspring artwork!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Diana, love the happy birds...look forward to seeing what you do with the drift wood... :)

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