Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sharing some leaves I sketched and some of my photos.....I love this time of year.....

I love this time of year....I think Autumn can take something ordinary and turn it into something extraordinary.....and that is magic to me......

Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday filled with family, love and warmth....

I am sharing these leaf sketches with all of my friends over at Sunday Sketches...


Kristin said...

What beautiful images! Now I want some pumpkin pie . . . xoxo

Hannah said...

What a delightfully colourful post. Those leaves are too cute :)

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

You are such a fantastic photographer. These are simply beautiful!! What wonderful work. I love your leaf print too. Great work.

Unknown said...

Hi Kristin!!! oh yeah some pumpkin pie sounds good!!!

Thank you Hannah! love leaves....

Thanks Vanessa!!! I love to take photos!!!

Melisa said...

I wish we got that kind of fall color here. We mostly get green and brown, lol.

martinealison said...

Oh! mon dieu quel bel érable ma chère Diana... Et ses couleurs un véritable bonheur... Comme je peux comprendre ton attirance pour cette nature si généreuse... Le dessin de tes feuilles est magnifique, il me ramène à mon enfance où je prenais tant de plaisir à courir dans les tas de feuilles mortes qui crissaient...
les odeurs qui s'en dégageaient sentaient si bon...
A l'école, je prenais tant de plaisir à peindre ma feuille de platane aux mille couleurs...
Merci pour ton gentil message...
je te fais de gros bisous.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful leaf sketch and photos are awesome ~ Foliage in MA is not as beautiful ~thanks, namaste, CArol (Share the Creative Journey) linked with Sunday Sketches ^_^

Jehanne's doodles said...

Your design is Fabulous! Love the pics especially the grapes - yum!!!

WrightStuff said...

I love autumn too. We have been blessed with some beautiful sunny days this month which has been a real treat.

Robin Panzer Art said...

Diana those Fall pictures are just luscious! Your leaves are delightful too, Happy SS!

Christine said...

love your leaf art and your gorgeous photos Diana! Just gorgeous photos.

Kristin Dudish said...

Beautiful leaves and photos - I love this time of year too! (I'm not fond of what comes next...)

Your bunny girl paper dolls are wonderful - they make me smile :)


Lenora said...

lovely photos now I'm in the mood and will drag out the halloween things for the graveyard upcoming.. maybe bake some grape harvest tart - more like bread - those leaves are wonderful

Sabina said...

*Sigh." Lovely leaves and gorgeous photos, especially the one of the tree as the leaves are turning orange and red. I need to post some fall art as well while I still have the chance.

εύχομαι... said...

love your leaves...

lissa said...

great colors for the leaves. wonderful photos.

Erin K said...

Oh these are wonderful leaf skteches! This time of year is just as goregous as Spring. Now I have a craving for Starbucks Pumpkin spice late! Yumm.

Tammie Lee said...

a gorgeous autumn post Diana! your leaves are sweet as can be.

SaraLynnArt said...

I adore your leaf design and I love the photos as well! What a great collection of colors...

Molly said...

you've done an amazing job of capturing the stunning colors of autumn!

Jennibellie said...

What a post of beautiful colours, great photography, thanks for sharing, much love Jennibellie x

Ces Adorio said...

Oh Diana! These photographs are amazing! I especially love the blueberries. My husband loves blueberries and I think the ones he buys come from Canada! have a great week!

Bella Sinclair said...

Hellooooo, oh prolific creativity goddess!!! Whoa, autumn has exploded here. What gorgeous photos. And the leaves are so playful! It's great to be here again and soak up your fantastic energy!

Gaby Bee said...

Gorgeous autumn pictures! I love this time of year too!

Your leaf design looks great!

Have a lovely week!

Sinderella's Studio said...

beautiful!!!!!!!!! I love running thru the leaves and hearing all the crackles.
cheers, dana

Virtual Boy said...

Beautiful autumn leaves, they'd look great as a fabric pattern!
Your photos are amazing as well~
Autumn is such a colorful and fun time of the year, only downside is the cold... O__O

// - T.W-

Heather said...

your photos are amazing...i could fill my house with all of those white little pumkins!
Yes, it's my fave time of year, too...and i also like the leaf pattern you fabric, that would make! have a great week!

Cindy D. said...

Now I want to wallpaper my room in fall leaf photography. I also really like your banner (this is my first time here) - the composition is terrific.

Fannie said...

Your photos and art puts me in the holiday mood, thanks! Hugs.

Crystal said...

Beautiful! I love the colors of autumn! My favorite time of year!!

LynnF said...

Thank goodness I don't have to pick a favorite! How extraordinary and how gorgeous!!! Bravo!

Draffin Bears said...

Beautiful pictures Diana, and it is such a delightful time of the year.
Enjoy Autumn and all the magic.


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